Who doesn’t like pizza?
Detroit style pizza ride or diester.

                                    PIZZA TO THE GRAVE!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Many would say that stateless socialism is the premise of Anarchism. Stateless largely refers to organizing hierarchies horizontally over vertically, and this is due to the overarching critique that vertical hierarchies result in corruption and rank inequality. Check out Communalism and the works of Murray Bookchin if you’d like to know more. There’s also a fair amount of talk about “pure democracy/direct democracy” in these circles and personally I think that Digital Direct Democracy could be the cure for the cancer in all the worlds modern democracies, if it ever takes off somewhere.

  • There were certainly people there before them just as there were people after. I find that viewing things on a larger scale than we live on helps us appreciate that the world does not belong or yield to us. It was there before we walked it and it will be here after were gone, so the flawed view that any one people has a right or claim is to me personally laughable. It was viewed similarly by those indigenous people you spoke of.

    Countries don’t stop bad actors and they don’t protect the weak. They protect the interests of the ruling class and provide means of control. In this very situation it would appear that nothing is stopping the obliteration of Gaza. Boundaries, countries, walls and the like are just means to segregate and divide. It could be racially, economically, religiously. Whatever you like. As long as we keep propping up these institutions we will never get any closer to peace and unity on those human scales you’re so concerned with.

    Governance doesn’t need to be tied to borders or countries just as hierarchies don’t need to be organized vertically.

  • Did no one live on that land before the Jews? How about we just get rid of countries, borders and religious claims to lands? How about as transient beings crossing through reality at a pace that barely even registers on the geologic timeline, we just give up this whole idea of possessing everything for that short blip of existence?

    Or, you know, lets not and just keep wasting this precious little time we have playing land murder roulette.