
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • You pronounce the abbreviated form as “Eye Dee” so you abbreviate it as ID. No, it is not consistent with other instances of abbreviation in English, but half of English isn’t consistent with the other half anyway.

    Also, id is an actual word, so that could cause confusion. The earliest uses of the term ‘ID’ or ‘I.D.’ are also from the US military, which absolutely loves abbreviating things and making acronyms for the sake of brevity, even if the shortening doesn’t follow the usual rules.

  • The entire cyberpunk genre is about corporations destroying society and the planet for profit and is near-future sci-fi. Dune is about how human nature doesn’t change, the same revolutions occurring again and again over thousands of years, with humans always being on the verge of self extinction and the only escape being to destroy civilization so hard that any conflict will always leave survivors that have had no contact with anyone else in millennia. Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy presents a world where the entire universe is utter chaos, worlds can be destroyed by a clerical error, and cosmically powerful beings do random things for shits and giggles. Starship Troopers, Warhammer, and Starcraft depict humans becoming the bad guys at an interstellar scale.

    So, no, sci-fi is not inherently hopeful.

  • The movie had some other solid stuff. Rey has a natural affinity for the dark side, but that she chooses the light in spite of that is what makes her the hero. Similarly, Kylo is a natural with the light but chooses the dark. The dark side also isn’t evil so much as it is playing with fire, which was a popular interpretation in the old EU. Rey and Finn are also given actual motivations instead of just pinballing through the plot. Whether the motivations actually work is a different question, but the fact they had no reason to be there in TFA really bugged me.

    I do still think Rey and Kylo should have traded sides in the throne room scene, though.