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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • I just read his Wikipedia page. Under the conditions of his time, how was he a racist? The article says he opposed slavery, opposed “scientific racists” of the time who argued polygenism and that some races were “transitional” between animal and man, and he asserted that science could never excuse the atrocities of slave owners.

    He did have incomplete theories about a racial hierarchy of intelligence, which was a common idea at the time. The article doesn’t suggest that he was a primary champion of that theory, or that it heavily featured in most of his work.

    In my opinion, he seems like a man who was doing what he could to expand his understanding of his observations, even if he was limited and misled by the prevailing methods and attitudes of his lifetime. Perhaps he should be judged against his peers rather than modern sensitivities, particularly without any evidence of malice in his work.

  • Occultist here, I wouldn’t say “a lot”, but the artist does seem to know some traditional imagery related to magick.

    The snake is a common occult symbol with a variety of meaning. The venom is seen as being related to the potency of words that come from the mouth. One of the oldest symbols for the universe is a snake eating its tail, which is a reference to the self sustaining and self consuming nature of life and time. Two snakes entwine the caduceus of Hermes, venom and antivenom, creation and destruction. The fire of the snake is reminiscent of the Brazen Serpent in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    Water represents the unconscious mind in tarot, and the wisdom that lies inside our most primal impulses.

    The eclipse is a sign of transition or change. It is also a sign of concealment, pacts, or things that must be done away from the eyes of the sun.

    The pyramid is…the pyramid. If I tried to go through the potential occult meanings of the pyramid, I’d be here all night, but luckily the History Channel has done that pretty well for me.

    Huge amounts of solar energy references all through this painting, which is further emphasized by the vaguely Egyptian motif.

    ”Hail unto thee who art Ra in thy rising,
    Even unto thee who art Ra in thy strength…”

    • Aleister Crowley

  • Eh just because an individual or a group finds something “meaningful” doesn’t mean, well, anything

    This is the comment from a different user I was originally replying to. I’m not asserting anything other than that widespread belief has “meaning” through its impact on the world. I’m not asserting that those beliefs are factually correct or morally good.

    You seem to think I’m advocating for religion, but I have not been doing that.