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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • In our defense, the Republican “half” of the country aren’t actually half the country. They’re the smallest of the 3 major political affiliations among votin-age Americans: “None”, “Democrat”, and then “Republican”. In that order.

    “None” is the largest single political affiliation in America, and that has been a kind of negative feedback loop in our politics. People are disenfranchised and feel disconnected from the governance of our country, so they don’t (or can’t) vote, and because they don’t vote, they’re not represented in government and are easier to disenfranchise. This, and rampent legalized bribery, have created a great deal of our problems.

    Not to say voters are the source of the feedback loop, it’s being actively driven by autocratic politicians and moneyed interest.

  • Zombie-Mantis@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlI had a journey
    9 months ago

    My brother in Christ Comrade in the revolution, Communism is a stateless, moneyless, classless society. Whatever self-proclaimed “Statist Communists” thare are, are no-more Communist than the National “Socialists” who sent our kind to the death camps.

  • Zombie-Mantis@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldA nice day
    11 months ago

    I didn’t just mean regarding climate change specifically, but more broadly our ability to alter the world around us with technology & language. Take agriculture, as an example: We’ve domesticated countless crops to better suit our dietary needs, we can plan our crops to meet our populations’ needs, even make population projections & plan our future farming accordingly. Not that we’re always particularly good at it, we have plenty of issues not planning & coordinating enough, but we’d have starved ourselves of resources an awfully long time ago had it not been for our capacity for change. Deer can’t do that. We can see that we’ve put their population in a position where they’d starve themselves without the predators, & the deer can’t fix that themselves. They’ll simply keep eating until there’s no food left, & their population will collapse, alongside a large portion of the ecosystems they inhabit. It’s our responsibility, now, to fix that. Both by filling the gaps of former predators by taking a larger role in hunting (ethically, of course, no need to maim the poor animals), & by restoring the populations of their former predators as best we can, something conservationists have had some success with for wolves here in North America.

  • Zombie-Mantis@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldA nice day
    11 months ago

    The only problem I have with this funny comic is the poor comparison. Humans can actively plan, communicate, & alter our environment. Deer cannot. If their population booms (because we killed all their other predators… Oops) then we do need to fill in the gaps until conservation efforts can restore the other populations, such as wolves. That is our duty, to keep the ecosystem in balance. It’s also respectful (In my opinion, at least) to the animals that we kill to at least let them serve a purpose, to feed & cloth us, to not waste their life.

  • Humans are predators of deer. Though some of them are wasted, many aren’t. Hunters (with their families and their communities) eat their venison for supper, sew their hides into clothes, and carve their bones into jewelry. Unfortunately, it is true that humans have crowded out many of the other predators of deer, like wolves, necessitating more human hunting to fill the gaps; thankfully there’s been much effort towards fixing that mistake.