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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Eh, its like how love of the US/“patriotism” is kinda culturally baked into the US… Turks are very similar. My partner and I only ever had one fight, caused by a friend of mine who brought up Armenia early in our relationship. My partner is more liberal than I am, like almost Fox News strawman liberal, but having left Turkey a couple years prior was still deeply entrenched in “Turkey has never done anything wrong”. Complete genocide denial, which caused a bit of a blowout hearing a very liberal, freedom-to-the-people person say “what were we supposed to do?”. North occupied Cyprus, occupied Syria, Kurdistan are all deeply sensitive topics, even for the most western/liberal Turks. Luckily she chose to educate herself on Armenia, etc. and it’s not a problem anymore, but it was a journey.

    The whole history of democracy essentially being gifted to Turks by Ataturk, the creation and assignment of last names, etc. really results in some interesting cultural quirks. Amazing people, great food, but man do they hold onto grudges and history!

  • Eh… my partner is Turkish and I gotta say, there’s some truth to the meme. From a psychological perspective it’s tough to critique your tribe with an outsider, so not exclusively Turkish, but outside of Americans, Brazilians and Turks I’ve never met someone so willing to wave their own flag. Considering many expat Turks continue to vote for the parties that are causing the inflation, corruption, etc. the post is somewhat accurate (especially given the explicit callout to German Turks).

    Not every critique of a demographic’s behavior comes from ignorant western superiority.

  • You’re batting 1 for 4 in sentences there bud.

    How the fuck does cheating compare to violence?

    Where did I say that?

    If women incels talk shit and men incels shoot people, one is clearly worse than the other.

    Yeah I agree, but that doesn’t mean that either are relevant to the conversation.

    I have no stats to back this up because I’m not terribly interested in this topic

    Your apathy is apparent.

    However, I do defend my position that men are more likely to commit violence based on my own passive observations of news articles / headlines.

    Correct, men are more likely to commit acts of violence. Would love to know where I disagreed with this.

    Let me give you a quick recap of the thread so far:

    1. “incel” was invented by a woman for herself
    2. it’s safer to say negative things about men
    3. men commit more acts of violence, so that’s fair
    4. those two things (2 and 3) are unrelated, I can cherry pick some immoral statistic where women are worse than men, so using “immorality” as an argument is not material to the discussion
    5. yeah but men commit more violence. Also, I don’t care about this at all which is why I instantly became disrespectful and started swearing.

    You see the problem here? Black people in the US commit more acts of violence than white people in the US. That doesn’t mean we should use that as justification for being needlessly derogatory towards Black people. Also, you should probably reflect on that whole “I don’t care about this” thing. Have a good one, I’m muting replies.