• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The Guild’s core proposal is this: AI-generated material can’t replace a human writer. AI-generated material cannot qualify as source material for adaptation in any way. AI-generated work can be used as research material, just as a Wikipedia article could, but because of the unclear nature of the sources that go into its output and how the output is generated, it has no place as an “author” in the world of copyright. AI outputs are not, in the Guild’s opinion, copyrightable.

    That means that if a studio wants to use an AI-generated script, there can be no credited author and no copyright. In a world where studios jealously guard the rights to their work, that’s a major poison pill.

    I think this would be a decent compromise. It feels like the core of the AI art fight is really who can make money off of it.

  • For me, it’s definitely option 2. I really like the way Dark Souls handles it, where the armor sets looks the same on both genders, and everyone can be as tart or as modest as they like.

    Maybe there’s a case to be made for a setting in BG3 that pixelates the naughty bits, but looking through youtube comments on BG3 romance scenes (for science!), most people seem to think the nudity is funny more than anything else. The few complaints about nudity really seem to be about the fact that they have to look at a dick/gay couple, which i don’t have too much sympathy for.