fake gamer | sporadic shitposter | pro-ship | BLM | trans rights | head of the antifa PR department | 🚩 🏴

i block tankies, right-wingers, and others with garbage opinions lol <o/

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • balerion@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlThe woke left!
    1 year ago

    i’ve read marx. at precisely no point does he say anything justifying the various atrocities state capitalist countries have committed. i think he’s wrong about some stuff, but even if you accept that his word is gospel, tankies are still just people who took leftist principles as an excuse for the imposing the kind of brutal authoritarianism that leftists are supposed to be against.

  • Ahhh, the ole “You defend weirdos? Seems pretty sus. Sure you aren’t one of them?” response. To which I say: Of course I’m a weirdo! I’m a queer kinkster! Obviously I’m weird. Am I that specific kind of weirdo? No, but so what if I were? That wouldn’t undermine my argument. My point is this: Is it weird and fucked up and creepy? Yeah, arguably. So? It’s still not hurting anyone, and if you start moralizing based on your own personal feelings of disgust, that quickly leads you down a dark path of “anybody who does something that grosses me out is a bad person who must be stopped.” That’s exactly the same rhetoric conservatives use to go after anybody who fucks wrong in the privacy of their own bedroom, and I’m not about to become the thing I hate. Taking your side would make me a hypocrite as someone who cares about the freedom of adults to get off however they please.

  • I’m perfectly happy to die on the hill of freedom of expression because, as a queer person, I know that when people start coming for the harmless weirdos, I’m next. I’ve walked out of communities over this before, and I’m willing to do it again. Again, I have principles.

    Absolutely no one is saying you should have to federate with instances like that if you so choose. I’m merely pointing out that it’s not illegal, and perpetuating the stigma against being into weird but harmless shit will eventually come back to bite not just you, but anyone who likes anything that’s not vanilla sex between a married man and woman under the covers with the lights off for the sole purpose of procreation. Puritans always go for the weirdos that even other weirdos don’t like first. Then when they move onto something less weird, everyone is shocked and all “leopards ate my face.” I’ve seen a disturbing trend of people equating what you enjoy in fiction to what you enjoy in reality over the past few years, and I feel a moral compulsion to fight back against it because I know that shit never ends well.

  • Though it’s not something I personally enjoy, it is very important to me that I make a point of sticking up for even the weirdest and grossest content out there that isn’t hurting anyone, because a) freedom of expression must include art that disturbs me personally or it is meaningless, and b) if you ignore people going after art just because it’s gross, eventually someone will decide the art YOU like is gross. But even if I disapproved of lolicon and shotacon, I would still not be down with you lying about its legality, because I happen to have principles.

    Ban me or whatever if you must, but someone has to point out bullshit when it crops up.