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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • I do what I can to give my animals a good life. Mostly, that means keeping them protected and giving them a lot of space.

    I definitely hate factory farming. It’s a cancer, and allows people to eat meat without processing death. …and so, in soft ways that have hard consequences, they look away from death, and look away from any conflict -or only enough to decry it, and complain that someone should do something about it. But that mentality pervades everything they do.

    Thanks for contributing to the ultimate destruction of factory farming. You have my respect.

  • Lol I didn’t downvote you, and your self-righteousness is more of a block to getting the industry changed than it is a benefit.

    Swallow your pride, don’t be a dick. Be humble, be honest about how you feel, and live up to your own ideals. But being an insufferable twat just drives people away from your ideals - you should really only do that to insufferable twats, otherwise, the thing you stand for isn’t saving animals, it’s self-righteous intolerance - and people look at you and think “glad I’m not like that guy.”

    Win the hearts and minds, don’t just stab people for being wrong - or you’ll keep stabbing until you finally stab yourself to death.

  • I’m referring to the laws of the universe, which have not always been consistent. A strange attractor can form states that are temporarily dynamically stable - and for something like the universe, we may not notice any small changes to ‘constants,’ as we are directly subject to them (including our tools of measurement). Aside from that, change is likely so slow that we may not even notice it.

    Nevertheless, if the big bang is in any form to be believes, we must accept that the universe’s basic laws can change, and yet they enter states where they do not noticeably change. If the pattern of the rest of nature holds (massive numbers of similar forms and structures distributed over time and space, where rough repetition along a common theme is a common theme), the universe will probably do similarly.

    What would be incredibly odd would be:

    • something came into existence from nothing
    • that something happened for a while
    • that something basically stops happening due to even distribution of energy throughout space
    • end of story


    • no consistency whatsoever

    Either of those seem unlikely. But, of course, I live in this universe, so I could be biased. :-)