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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • That’s 100% true. That’s why I’d like the help from experts to help me avoid being scammed, help me avoid drinking and eating poisoned food, or having to breath unhealthy air.

    I don’t always know the full repercussions from the decisions I make so I really appreciate having some expert help. This is especially true of decisions shitty people try to coerce me into making when I’m desperate or emotionally vulnerable.

  • I think the argument is interesting.

    Absolutely no one would support this if the question was instead “If you’re alone in the woods would you rather come across a bear or a black/Mexican/Arab/whatever person”. However, since right now it’s socially popular to group men into a monolithic group and demonize them the man vs bear question and is a very funny and popular meme.

    You can understand the point of the meme and still understand that it denigrates half the poplulation and creates toxic discord towards people who are perfectly good human beings.

  • That link doesn’t work; I’ll assume it says that he was denied asylum because he committed fraud against an Australian citizen. This doesn’t really provide evidence that his claims of being a spy are false, only that he committed fraud in Australia. It’s definitely a point against his character, but not evidence that he lied about being a spy.

    Since you aren’t interested in being skeptical of your sources and jumped on the first thing that seemed to match the narrative you were pushing I found some evidence for you. Oddly enough there’s an entire Wikipedia article about him that goes into pretty significant detail about why his claims of being a high level spy are probably false.

    It’s odd that you didn’t see the Wikipedia article, I’m sure you have access to Wikipedia in your country don’t you?

  • I think the answer is no even if they own only a single copy (digital or physical) at a time.

    This company copies home movies from VHS to DVD. The linked article implies that when you buy a product you’re only buying the format you purchased. So if you buy a physical book you’re only buying the rights to have the physical book, not a digital copy of the book.

  • TL;DR - This is a bandaid solution that won’t have much impact short term or long term. We need millions more houses, unfortunately building houses is an expensive endeavor and no one is going to do it without a huge payout which only comes from building huge houses. Governments need to provide incentives for developers to build houses people can afford.

    I’m against investment firms owning SFRs and renting them out, but this is a very small part of the problem. If we converted every rental house into an owner occupied house it wouldn’t actually increase the number of houses available, it would just change some renters into owners. Then what?

    The actual problem is that we don’t have enough houses. We need millions more houses to meet current demand (for owners and renters, not everyone can or wants to own a home), and we’re getting further behind each year.

    We need to make it easier for builders to build homes, whether that’s private development companies or publicly owned housing councils. We need developers to build medium and high density “missing middle” housing as well as smaller units that are affordable to low income people. As it is, private developers don’t build these types of houses because they aren’t as profitable per square foot as shitty McMansions. Since housing projects take an extremely long time to complete, no one wants to tie up their money without a high return on their investment that they get through McMansions.

    The federal government needs to step up and apply some pressure to change zoning laws and encourage development of missing middle and smaller houses. Some ideas on how the federal government can do that:

    1. Withhold infrastructure funding to cities with restrictive zoning
    2. Give grants to developers to pay for permitting and planning costs provided the developers have a minimum percentage of missing middle and small units in their developments
    3. The federal government agrees to buy all of the small units from the developer at above market rates and then resells them to first time buyers, provided the developers meet the same requirements as point 2.
    4. Give money to local governments so they can start effective housing councils that will develop affordable housing themselves

    If we somehow manage reach housing supply and demand equilibrium we can’t stop development. We need to keep building so we don’t have the same situation we had after 2008 and end right back here 15 years later because all the developers walked away.

  • I use it for exactly the same thing.

    I used to spend hours agonizing over documenting things because I couldn’t get the tone right, or in over explained, or some other stupid shit.

    Now I give my llamafile the code, it gives me a reasonable set of documentation, I edit the documentation because the LLM isn’t perfect, and I’m done in 10 minutes.

  • I like to imagine this was thought up by some ambitious product manager who enthusiastically pitched this idea during their first week on the job.

    Then they carefully and meticulously implemented their plan over 3 years, always promising the executives it would be a huge pay off. Then the product manager saw the writing on the wall that this project was gonna fail. Then they bailed while they could and got a better position at a different company.

    The new product manager overseeing this project didn’t care about it at all. New PM said fuck it and shipped the exploit before it was ready so the team could focus their work on a new project that would make new PM look good.

    The new project will be ready in just 6-12 months, and it is totally going to disrupt the industry!