A classic nerd from Norway.

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • For us on a mental break…down, having delivery available is our chance at a decent dinner. Yes its expensive but im paying for not having to spend an hour making the dinner and not having to sit in a restaurant waiting for a to-go meal and not having to interact with people. Neither which I would do anyway. Its better than staring hungry at the ceiling but too depressed to do anything about it so when I finally is so hungry I can’t even sleep I go out to a night-open kiosk and buy myself a bag of potato chips and some soda or a frozen pizza.

    Well, that was a very specific example for why the post-covid app delivery trend is awesome. Before it the only delivery was pizza around here.

    Though I do wish there was more variation. Restaurants are too city-district grouped. Within my delivery area (where I can still get a meal still hot and not pay extra), Torshov in Oslo, there is mostly burgers, kebabs, thai, and sushi food restaurants. Fish meals, italian, or sandwiches needs to be shipped from centrum. Norwegian-food style restaurants don’t do delivery. Not that I’m complaining, I’m just suggesting improvements to some strangers on the web that can do nothing about it. 🫤

  • Veidt asked the precognitive being if his plans for utopia would come to be, and if it was all worth it in the end. Osterman cryptically responded by saying “Nothing ever ends”, and teleported away leaving Veidt once again in doubt as to whether or not his plan was successful.

    From what I understood, he spent the whole story acting super-sure about what would happen if he did nothing, and how he alone could fix it. But in the end of the comic, this showed he had doubts. Veidt didnt have precognition, just very good prediction. But also an over-inflated ego. He killed a lot of people for a “maybe”.

  • Jup, useless folder. There’s one related thing I’ve complained a lot about lately, so I’m gonna complain some more about it:

    Microsoft got this “great” idea of trying to repeatedly trick me into uploading that Documents folder to the cloud. A folder filled with GBytes of Battlefield and Assassins Creed cache files, Starfield mods, MS database files, etc… A lot of files that are in constant change, or locked the entire session. Annoying as hell. I love Onedrive, but I dont know why its so damn important for them to have those files.

    Sometimes I really wish I could switch to some Linux distro instead.