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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • I always see Mr. Beast get a lot of hate every once in a while…and I get that he has a accumulated an insane amount of wealth and fame as a kid which has given him a “unique” look on this world.

    But as far as we know the know… Now in adulthood, the guy has yet to actually do anything horrible.

    I mean the only thing he is guilty of is having a massive following of mindless people that feed him more eyes.

    Yet people keep constantly hating on him for this. Idk if they wish they had his money, fame or what the deal is.

    I see true evils happening in the world all the time yet someone always posts this focused hate on this Mr. Beast dude.

    I don’t think the hate is gonna stop until he is as destitute as the rest of us.

    Being in obnoxious is not a crime.

    Majority of jobs here in the USA exploit and humiliate a lot more than any of these videos.

    That’s all for my rant. Ty.

  • Legitimate question. Can anyone tell me how someone would go collecting welfare with no SSN or papers?

    I work with people on a daily basis that collect some sort of welfare or disability… They are in perfect bodily health. They are also all U.S citizens.

    I don’t believe I have come across an undocumented migrant that collects “disability payments”. I don’t believe it’s possible…

  • gearheart@lemm.eetoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago

    While this Linux thread is so hot imma ask…

    Having issues getting battery display to work on Mx Linux fluxbox 32 bit

    No battery tray exists in settings and it does not work on conky.

    Running in an Asus transformer t100ta

    I’m in the wrong thread but maybe I get lucky 😕


    Edit: Thanks everyone below for help. Giga what you said sounds beyond me but I’ll try to do some research.

    So far I’ve tried modifying some lines on conky that typically resorts to battery displaying at zero.

    Besides no battery display mx Linux works great out of the box, even recognizes some pesky network drivers that seem to be a common issue.

    Edit 2: installed mx Linux xfce instead. It works out of the box with touch screen and battery indicator.

    I’m new to Linux and will use this over fluxbox for now. If I feel its necessary I’ll reinstall fluxbox and actually learn what I’m doing.

    Thanks to everyone below for the support and laughs. 👍

    Edit 3: seems video playback is broken in both versions. It seemed to work perfectly when running on the USB. Imma have to get my life together and figure out what I’m doing before asking for more help.

  • gearheart@lemm.eeto4chan@lemmy.worldAnon on credit scores
    8 months ago

    Unpopular opinion, not really opinion but…

    Credit score system is designed for the people with money to allow you to borrow that money. It’s based on a curve system so… If your at the bottom of the list is because 99% of the population is better than you at learning how to play the score system. Tldr: the score system was not designed with me in mind.

  • I mean if you don’t want to watch anime simple because it legitimately does not interest you it’s fine. I assume people have tried different animes and no interest caught on.

    There is manga and anime for a vast array of audiences after all.


    If you don’t want to watch it because of stigma from others than you kinda have a bigger problem. It’s necessary to grow out of the need of validation from other people.