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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • gerbilOFdoom@beehaw.orgtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlBypassing "wifi pausing"
    10 months ago

    So, you can work around these things but you’re going to run into problems if you do:

    -If you reset the router, you need to restore the original password else they’ll know

    -if they notice you using these devices when you wouldn’t have access, they’ll remove them further from your reach. Possibly permanently.

    -If detected, a larger conflict is likely to be escalated. This includes a loss of the benefit of the doubt in the future.

    I’d suggest that this is not the battle to fight. They’re likely fighting your apparent obsession with tech. Let them have this battle and continue your fun later.

    Try the Stormlight Archive, wheel of time, or mistborn books. Maybe the redwall books if you’re younger. Fun and focus can still be had without a computer!

  • Oooo thank you for the links, that’s the part I had a difficult time with. I don’t think I’m subscribed to enough things, or I don’t check frequently enough, to get the information updates.

    I’ll see what I’m qualified to do. I don’t know Rust in particular so this is likely to turn into a rabbit hole that produces nothing but a greater knowledgebase in my brain for the next time I get fiesty about something.

  • I’ve been spending some time considering the future technology stack of Beehaw. I’d love to work on some kind of moderation tools, especially because I know that they could be inserted alongside the existing codebase - even if in an exceedingly hacky way. Heck, even client side site scraping with content matching is an option if for some horrible reason we had to.

    The fun part is not being able to ask those who run the server about specifics for what’s needed.

  • Computer Science student here.

    Forking Lemmy does fork its bad habits but doing so would at least give us the option of making direct improvements to the mod tools.

    From what I’ve read, causing deleted content to get deleted quickly is a smaller change. Advertising that shortened deletion delay and giving the admins a “these keep our shit, yeet their federation privileges but check again every day and notify me when that changes” script wouldn’t be too hard to create.

    We might even be better off ignoring the Lemmy codebase for mod tools altogether. If we outright ignore cross-platform compatibility, we can make a mod tools API independent of Lemmy-proper that does what’s needed and a JavaScript-controlled interface to sit on top or a separate toolset altogether.

    I’m pretty busy right now but I rely on Beehaw for decent social media. I’d be willing to put a bit of time into it.

  • Mods depend a lot of the type of mod.

    Entity model changes are relatively easy, often as simple as replacing texture and model files. This is highly dependent on the tech used to make the game and how it’s packaged.

    Sound files, similarly, are a file replacement job as long as nothing too funky is involved.

    After this, we start to get into larger toolchains. We need tools to decode game data so it can be manipulated, tools to gain access to the game as it starts up or as it runs, and tools to use those tools to create modifications and implement them easily.

    Graphics upgrade mods often use directx overrides, such as in SweetFX and Reshade. Sometimes they replace or override existing game files directly.

    Bug fixes and additional functionality are where things get really interesting. At first, these are done with hacks done in the form of function overrides that can only be created after analyzing the compiled game executable. Later, tools are built that allow easier access and present game functions to other developers for easy modification.

    And sometimes the difficult parts are skipped over entirely when developers include modding APIs or SDKs for public use.

  • gerbilOFdoom@beehaw.orgtoLinux@lemmy.mlThings like this turn people off from Linux
    11 months ago

    Terminal isn’t over complicated, it’s the most basic interaction with operating systems and was the first mainstream UI to ever exist because it’s a natural extension of what interacting with a computer truly is.

    Terminal has very basic, particular syntax: Command [required parameters]

    It has some useful additions as well, like

    | to pass the output of the precious command to another command

    > to write to a file

    < to read from a file

    This basic structure allows additional tools to be installed and run without having to learn a unique GUI with all the quirks of the GUI designer for each application. You just add new commands and move on with your life, maybe referencing the manual page to check which parameters you need.

    Windows has a very particular GUI design that everyone knows because of the way Microsoft captured the market in the early days, before laws prevented them from doing so. Windows is esoteric, it has a variety of GUI philosophies all jumbled together. Explorer/control panel exists next to “Metro” apps, now “Windows apps” and they both do separate things without ever integrating the two properly.

    Windows is arcane and understanding it fully is thousands of hours of practice, if you actually try new things. Linux is perfectly usable from command line with just a few dozens of hours of practice.

    I say all this as a primarily Windows desktop user who uses Linux when it comes to actually getting things done. If we taught Linux to our children in schools and if businesses provided as much Linux training to workers as they do windows training, the discussion we’d be having would be about how windows is too complicated and just needs a UI similar to the ones available with Linux.

  • Your difficulties are real, valid, and not relative to any other person’s. It’s okay to have them and discuss them.

    Keep watching your own brain when you can; you cannot be successful every time but you improve your brain hygiene a little bit each time you do. Sometimes you’ll have to let it happen for bit of time while you regain enough energy to stop catastrophising and that’s okay too. The exhaustion you get from stopping it just means you’re doing good work.