• 4 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 17th, 2024


  • You do need to be careful, but you can check for errors after editing /etc/fstab by running the command sudo mount -a. With the drive attached but not mounted. (Also good practice to use the UUID of the drive in the fstab entry)

    That command runs through etc/fstab and attempts to mount everything it is instructed to mount if it is not already mounted. And if there is an error it will let you know.

    If you run sudo mount -a and you get no output in the terminal, then there are no errors, your drive should now be mounted, and you should be fine for reboots and it should mount on startup as expected.

  • Just got some “your server is misconfigured” message when I logged in to my server on element web (on a machine I haven’t installed element desktop on yet) and when I click the link it takes me to this GitHub page talking about camel case vs snake case. All that’s great, but I’m running dendrite and my entire dendrite config file is snake case. 🤷‍♂️

  • I’m really happy to be hosting my own password manager.

    Regarding baserow, I use it in a couple of ways. First is as a replacement for Google Sheets. For my use case, I only ever really used sheets as a dumb database, (home inventory, etc…) so I don’t need the spreadsheet parts of the spreadsheet much.

    The other thing I use it for is a backend for my automations for data. Baserow has wonderful api documentation right in the gui, and I use that a lot with data logging for myself.