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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • It might disappoint you to learn that among american english speakers, literacy isn’t a good indication of maturity by age. Barbara Bush made a literacy initiative that’s still around, the One Good Thing® left over from the bush regime. The site has a handy map to show you the 40-60% adult literacy rate counties spread all over the states. It definitely helped me come to terms with the fact that sometimes a kid who is trying is gonna be more eloquent than an adult repeating the same tired take they’ve been rebutted for a thousand times.

    It’s easier for me personally to gauge age as it scales up when anonymity is involved - referential humor, recognizance of the ancient runes (Duckroll, Bill Murray’s face with only the jaw moving), and informed chitchat about presidential behavior predating Bush SR are all dead giveaways that a user is older, but with younger users you have a lot of hobby/interest overlap going all the way up to people in their 40s. You can’t look someone in the eyes and see if the light of youth has gone out yet on forums and imageboards.

  • I was of this opinion until I moved in with my partner who had a bearded dragon. Reptiles move strangely, but this bearded dragon had been a classroom pet for the first few years of her life, and was surprisingly social. She’d make eye contact, gesture with her body, present her head to be gently pet around the bristles, and even flip over to be rubbed on the belly like a dog if she was not currently or just finished eating. Responsive with body language to some specific one or two syllable words like her name or the words for mealtime, and very aware of visual cues (like any of the objects she was handed a mealworm from, even just once).

    I imagine a tarantula probably has some behaviors that would surprise me if it was conditioned as a pet and socialized, I know they have a fair number of ways aside from the bite to show displeasure or anxiety like flicking hairs and quickly shuffling away to show a defensive posture. I think it could be a fun experience and wouldn’t turn my nose up at it instantly these days if the opportunity came along; animal cooperation is a small joy even when it’s a bit foreign.

  • It would have killed nintendo to add an ethernet port. As someone who bought the dongle, having a wired connection will NOT save you from nintendo online being the worst gaming networking service ever devised. No game benefits from it, least of all actual nintendo titles like splatoon or smash. It’s not even a problem of speed, it’s wholesale reliability issues, constant loss of connection errors. If an ethernet port was available included rather than needing to be a seperate purchase, more people would realize sooner just how truly awful the paid nintendo online service is.

    I’m just still mad that I could play phantasy star online for ten hours uninterrupted on my gamecube, but now there’s not a single nintendo title that has stable online. Pokémon might let you get a raid or two before needing to reconnect. Splatoon might get a match or three before needing to reconnect completely. Smash won’t stay stable for even one full match. It’s a complete tragedy.

  • I hate to tell you this, but X makes quarterly business reports like every other company. You are making up a value basis that is polluted by freely given verification. You can see how many millions in revenue they lose quarterly. Their new plan is CLEARLY not working, there’s literal evidence.

  • Tweet being used ubiquitously was profitable the same way xerox being used as a verb to mean “scan and copy” was profitable. Instead of looking at xerox machines first, in this case, people would look to twitter (and the ads on the site, clicked or not) first when it came to social media information flow.

    I’m not saying it’s a good thing that anyone uses only one social media, but it was a reality. Twitter has moved down to only about 8% market share from a dominant position. It does NOT command the audience it once did, and advertisers are moving away from it for more reasons than the literal antisemitism and general ignorance spouted by the new owner. It’s a multitude of factors dragging it down in overall value, but deleting brand recognition by associating the site with the multiple previous failed X projects by the same guy who fucked up the previous ones? Not priceless.

  • Somebody hasn’t played cities skylines 2. It’s all single occupant housing.

    Real actual answer: only one state has an average occupancy of 3 people to a house, Utah, and the rest don’t crack that number. Our most recent census (that thing almost none of your friends replied to) shows more than 3 times the ACTUAL number of privately owned homes in 2021 (83 million), and you could’ve had these same statistics in front of you and verified in seconds if you actually gave a shit about information instead of just arguing like a parrot.