Born a sconie right on Lake Michigan, lived in Iowa for a handleful of years for college, then moved to Sota where I live currently. Software Engineer for 20+ years, Ham Radio Operator, lover of retro graming, old time radio and the outdoors.


  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2022


  • Think less about time sharing and more about using all the computers you own together.

    You would have a netbook with no compute power as your UI sitting on your couch. You could connect to your beefy desktop to do all the computations for your video editor or playing a game and never have to be sitting at your desk.

    You could also have a big file store device with lots of drives to store stuff.

    We can do some of this now, I ssh into my desktop from my couch and have a NFS in the basement. But they all operate as separate devices that i have to really work at getting to operate together. Plan9 was designed where you’d just pick devices off of the network and the tasks operated normally. Pick your video card, local or over the network to the beefier GPU.

  • I don’t think it matters what tools you use as long as it works.

    That would be true if other systems and services depend on them. Would have been nice to come out with a standard and designed systemd around that standard. Then you pick the tool you want that follows the standard rather than be tied into systemd.

    Worth noting is that a process not managed by pid 1 isn’t really a thing you want generally

    I would disagree. A compromised Docker doesn’t mean i have access to things managed by PID1. The entire control model is based around moving your publicly available services further away from something with the highest level of access. Be it users or processes.

  • The problem was that my boss was a title hopper and needed to fill his old position and he did it with yes men who wouldn’t stand up for anything. Meant that these yes men were also not the greatest at doing the rest of the job either.

    They were expecting me to just do Hero Engineering by not objecting, put in more time and fill on the gap when theu couldn’t do their job. Was the first time in 20 years i ever was reprimanded, been praised at everything else I’ve done. So i knew at that point this was just a toxic place to work.

  • We aren’t talking about a bug, new feature stories. No screen shots, no identifieres to get me closer to a solution.

    For example one of my stories had the following as the total amount of text for the entire ticket: “Add parser for new message type.”

    Add the parser where? What is the new message type? Is this for a test tool or the project itself? Unit test framework? In a library or in the project code? We were working on two protocols and one protocol had a high level and low level message structure so i literally had 3 possibilities.

    And when i asked my boss what the ticket was about i was told that i should do some investigation and fill in the ticket myself. Wtf?!? When i then told my productivity was wanting i started looking for a new job.

  • I use todo.txt format, created my own cli

    I set up tasks with priorities:

    • A: tasks i am doing now/today
    • B: tasks i am planning on soing this week
    • C: tasks that need to be done but aren’t high priority
    • D: tasks I delete if not done by the end of the month

    I make sure all my tasks have a +ProjectName and if i have to deal with a @SpecificService or @EmployeeName i note that. I will also add in things like jira:StoryNumber or other data.

    Due dates are rare, only when there is a hard stop. End of a sprint is not a hard stop. If i need to remind someone I’ll use due date and @Reminder

    100% of the time all tasks go in my list. Nothing is left for me to remember. It goes into my list before it ends up in a Jira ticket or Conflience page. Remind me first, everyone else second.

    First thing in the morning i process my list. Move tasks to A. End of the week at the end of the month I delete all the D tasks.

    As for notes, i use vimwiki with automation to compile into html when files are written. I’ve also setup coworkers with an automated process using pandoc to go from markdown to html. Then i have a little a bookmark on my browser to pull it all up nice and pretty. I’ll post the scripts later, not at my computer.

    Daily diary entry made every morning when i do my todo list prep, entry for each meeting. Add notes during meetings and links or other details when looking for solutions to problems.