• 5 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • It’s my opinion that housing is so basic a need that no house should be allowed to use for a gambling chip.

    The ‘housing market’ needs to be broken in favor of individual ownership. (For many, speculation has driven ownership out of reach.)

    Only individuals may purchase individual homes, and must agree to occupy them as their primary and only residences until they sell and vacate them. (Live-in landlords included, e.g. boarders.)

    As part of the deal, they must first find another individual buyer (under the same terms) for their present home.

    (Futher stipluations needed, but none that permit violation of the above principle. )

  • Hard to define ‘hard’, a few more I liked: (no ranking)

    • The Time Machine (both the Pal and the Wells films; quite different)

    • Dark City (1998, Pryas)

    • Forbidden Planet (1956, Wilcox)

    • The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951, Wise)

    • Fifth Element (hilarious, Besson, 1997)

    • Alien (Scott, 1979)

    • 13th Floor (Rusnak, 1999)

    • Stargate (1994, Emerich)

    • Steamboy (2004, Otomo)

    Movies made from famed series I’d REALLY LIKE to see:

    • Ringworld (Niven, a crime noone’s DARED to try).

    • Some setting of Riverworld. (Farmer)

    • ANY of Neal Stephenson’s SF books, esp. Snow Crash, Cryptonomicon, Diamond Age, Anathem.

    (Not even the BBC? I mean, who expected Doctor Who to get THIS far?!)