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Cake day: 2023年7月6日


  • Back in late 2000, my girlfriend and I broke up. She moved out of our apartment and back to her hometown. I was feeling kinda down and one of my friends invited me to a rave the next night. I didn’t really have any interest, it never seemed like my kind of scene. But I didn’t have anything else going on, so I went with him. He ended up buying ecstasy, which I had never done before either.

    That’s literally the night that changed the entire trajectory of my life. I spent the next decade traveling all over America, going to parties, hanging out with people I met on a message board. I ended up shacking up with a girl I met on the board for a few years. I made friends that I still have today.

    My 20’s were a blur of parties and substances, but I can trace a direct line from what happened that night to where I am today.

  • I didn’t demand, I suggested. Because it’s a show with tons of intentional subtlety. Every moment on the screen has a purpose. Not to mention all the brilliant dialog. There are so many great lines that come out of nowhere.

    Sure, you can get the basics by skimming it… but you’re not going to get the full experience that way.

    Hell, I’m on my fourth watch through and I’m still finding new shit.

  • You do you bro. It’s fine if you never learned how to calm yourself long enough to get the full experience the writers and directors wanted… because there’s a lot more than “pensive looks” going on. There are several dozen layers of subtlety happening on screen at any moment, and you’re bound to miss some shit. But whatever dude. I’m not here to tell you how to enjoy what is arguably one of the best first seasons of a television show in ages.