


  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • mister_monster@monero.towntoFediverse@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    Single community mode.

    So with federation, each server being able to host an arbitrary number of communities can be a bit much. It makes sense for a site like reddit where it’s just one site. But for a network of sites, hosting multiple communities is really a niche thing, but people do it because why not? The feature is there. But most people spin up a server for a single community and the communities on that server become dead, save for a couple of bigger sites. Having and making known the ability for an admin to spin up a Lemmy instance that’s just one community makes a lot of sense. The server I’m currently using for example is for a diaspora from a single subreddit. Sites like that only really need a single community on them.

  • Hollywood is at war with the people of this world and are therefore my enemy, I treat my enemies as I wish. Unfortunately, they don’t have a lot I’m interested in lately. I don’t find myself watching movies or TV much, if ever.

    Music… It’s available on YouTube. I think most things I have pirated I have purchased a license for already.

    I don’t play games. Games like old NES games are no longer available for purchase except on the secondary market, I think there should be a law about enforcing piracy laws on IP that is no longer available for purchase. People who archive it are doing God’s work.

    I only use FOSS software.

    Books… Its no different from a library in my opinion, it’s not like I’m going to need to read it twice, what’s the difference if I borrow it or download it if I’m going to have it in my head after reading it exactly once? I can’t even lend it to someone! A lot of the books I have read were created solely for the purpose of making the information available.

    Generally speaking, intellectual property is a fiction, and once you release information out in the world it’s no longer yours practically speaking, you can whine all you want and create mechanisms to try to stop it from being true but it is true. It takes on a life of it’s own and spreads on it’s own merit.

  • A civil agreement between private parties cannot be under penalty of purjury. A civil penalty could be levied if it is specified in the contract, but I’ve never seen a rent contract that specified a penalty beyond the landlord having the right to break the agreement if they find out.

    Generally speaking, a landlord has an incentive to keep you if you pay on time and don’t damage property, regardless what you lied about.

  • I don’t know if I boycott. I refuse to do business with certain companies, if that counts. I suppose that’s what a boycott is.

    • Google, first and foremost
    • Microsoft
    • Meta
    • Apple
    • Visa
    • MasterCard
    • Paypal, including Venmo
    • all banks
    • oil change places
    • all outlet stores

    There’s probably more I’m not thinking of. Generally speaking I use all FOSS software, always buy things used from a person who owns it, don’t buy processed food and cook my own 99% of the time, don’t use chemical products on my skin or in the shower, buy clothes used and use cash for everything. For Amazon, which I do use, I get gift cards.

  • Lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works I’d say are a little left? And exploding-heads, less authoritarian right, more boomer gab people instance with misused meme formats galore, totally unfun. Big R Republicans packed to the brim. Boring as fuck.

    There’s not really a top right corner instance anymore, there used to be one, hosted at nobodyhasthe.biz. Those guys were what you’d expect, N word everywhere everything is about Jews chud memes black sun all of that shit.

  • While most people want to believe their traits are innate, the fact is Rome wouldn’t have been able to function the way it did if this were true. The existence of Rome and its sex as an institution empirically disproves the hypothesis.

    I’m sure there were some men in Rome that were disgusted by the prospect of sex with men and either did it anyway as a duty or found every excuse not to, and I’m sure there were men that salivated at the idea from an early age. But by and large most of the men’s sexuality was malleable. This is certainly also the case today, there are probably some people strongly predisposed to one or the other from birth, but for most people sexuality is largely conditioning.