mycorrhiza they/them

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • The Sapply model runs into the exact same problem the video is focusing on.

    When you take the quiz at you get questions like “Agree or disagree: Only the government can fairly and effectively regulate organizations” — but what kind of government are we talking about? Who’s in charge? Are there corporate think tanks running it? Is there a fossil fuel lobby? Are we talking about corporations regulating themselves?

    When I get a question like that, I don’t know how to respond, because I don’t have a blanket attitude toward all government. My opinion depends on what is actually happening in real life. Which is ultimately the central criticism of the video. What matters most to most people is the material context, not some blanket feeling about the abstract concept of government

  • The nazis rose to power because they were backed by capitalists and the German establishment, and the reason they were backed was that they helped suppress a resurgent socialist movement in Germany and redirect the frustration of the german middle class toward scapegoated minorities and away from capitalists. Nazis co-opted socialist language and messaging, but were staunch capitalists and class-collaborationists who carried out mass privatization and crushed labor organizing.

  • it means they have one foot in the working class and one foot on the other side of the fence. their material interests are only partially aligned with those of other workers, and partially aligned with the interests of people who own for a living. they are in a position to throw another working person out on the street or raise their rent, and to potentially get rewarded for doing so. it’s a perverse incentive.

  • struggling to reach escape velocity with this comment, wording it is mentally taxing but the later it gets the slower I think

    I can’t speak for anyone or read the thoughts behind people’s words online, but I know people tend to say fucked up things when they are angry and I know people are really fucking angry right now, myself included. That doesn’t mean I feel catharsis watching religious extremists slaughter a village of Israeli settlers or shoot up of a fucking rave — but I feel a kind of enraged grief. Because that kind of barbarism and extremism is the inevitable fucking result of what has been done in Palestine. Extremism like that doesn’t spring up in a vacuum. When you hear things like, half of the people in Gaza are children, and half of those children struggle with suicidal thoughts, and 95% of the fucking water is unsafe to drink, and most of the population is unemployed, and then you turn on the news and all the politicians and media personalities are throwing their unreserved support to the government responsible for it… and then I go on lemmy and I see comments talking about Palestinians like they’re some kind of hive mind, and getting upvotes for it, it just feels like these attitudes are why the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians can continue. And I’m helpless to do anything about it. It’s fucking maddening.

  • where’s everyone else’s nuance in this thread? Is it just me who needs to write a carefully worded diplomatic letter?

    You want my opinion, I think we are making the same mistakes we made after 9/11, where we work ourselves up into a fucking frenzy, ignore the historical background of what’s happening, buy in to a simplified narrative, and give vague blanket support to whatever awful countermeasures we’re told are appropriate. Like the indiscriminate bombings that are killing hundreds of Palestinians now and probably not hitting a single Hamas fighter since they’re all down in the fucking tunnels.

    Or this collective punishment shit, which is a fucking war crime against the entire population of Gaza:

    “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly.”

    It starts to sound like “human animals” might refer to Palestinians in general.

  • it’s rad when a political position built on a lot of background knowledge is dismissed by people who lack that knowledge and have lived their whole lives in the global capital of anticommunist propaganda

    And we pumped just, just, dozens of stories about Cuban atrocities, Cuban rapists, uh, in one case we had the Cuban rapists caught and tried by the Ovimunda maidens who had been their victims, and then we ran photographs that made almost every newspaper in the country of the Cubans being executed by the Ovimunda women who had supposedly been their victims.

    These were fake photos?

    Oh, absolutely. We didn’t know of one single atrocity committed by the Cubans. It was pure, raw, false propaganda to create an illusion of communists, you know, eating babies for breakfast and that sort — totally false propaganda.

    Former CIA Agent John Stockwell Talks about How the CIA Worked in Vietnam and Elsewhere