• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • It’s okay to still use these sites, I’ll admit that right now, I have a reddit account again. But that’s out of spite for the simple fact that I refuse to have my voice be silenced. I may have been banned multiple times on subreddits and reddit itself for petty dumb opinionated reasons (no I’m not a racist, sexist, bigot…). But, I kept coming back because again, I refused to be silenced and let them have the ‘victory’ of snuffing a voice out.

    It’s another thing though, to have a Reddit account and going around to people wanting to be done with Reddit, by trying to convince and lure them into coming back on here. People have made up their mind about Reddit and everything that has happened within the past two weeks, cemented those choices. Quite frankly, if you ask me, getting blown up over the porn/NSFW situation is a little silly in comparison to the third party issue.

    People have an assortment of reasons to still use these platforms, it’s fine, except the ones who’re Pro-Spez, Pro-Musk .etc Then I say - you have problems.

  • Once I went double monitor, I can’t see myself falling back to a single monitor. I’ve used a single monitor for a good decade and a half before toying with double monitors. I just like being able to have things on one monitor and other things on another. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a programmer-specific thing. I now reflect back and hated the idea of having to manage and check so many things while under one monitor. Things would be blinking, but oh wait, I’m gaming, oh wait, I’m browsing too and it’s just too much.

  • I’ve been online for years and years. Enough to know that, we’ve been giving our data away before social media took off. Social Media and search engines like Google, have accelerated it and made it a farming thing as the basis of their foundations.

    So what I’m referring to about giving our data away before the social media era, is that we have registered on to forums and we have registered to chat rooms and other services. We willingly gave them our names, even beneath the screen names we registered under. We willingly discussed a lot of ourselves within those forums and we can’t preemptively assume that they aren’t keeping some record of what we’re doing and saying. We know all sites keep a stamp of our IP addresses, so it’s a safe bet that they’re also collecting everything we do within their site’s boundaries.

    I’m not trying to say that we should all just expose ourselves, en masse. But I will say that you are responsible and you’ve been responsible for what you decide to put there online. You are right to be questioning and working against things like Google needing your street address to recover a simple password when there had been other proven methods to recover your password by. However, it comes off a little ridiculous when you’re griping about privacy while also being someone who dumps their life stories on that platform or this platform.

  • I do not trust password managers. There’s a saying that goes ‘do not put all of your eggs in one basket’ and that’s what I don’t do. Mobile, Desktop, whatever, I don’t use a single password manager. It wasn’t long ago that a password management company was compromised, right? What are the odds that similar circumstances could happen on another password management company? It’d be a disaster.

    Whatever happened to just simply having a notepad program/app and documenting your passwords onto there?

    Ironic to the contrary, I’ve caught myself using browsers such as chrome to save my passwords for easier log in. But that’s simply out of my decaying memory due to age, not necessarily because I have a bias with Google and I trust them with everything. I still don’t trust them with everything.