• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • It’s good to know I’m not alone… I buy a lot of games and have a huge catalogue over a number of systems. It really is the thing I enjoy most as downtime.

    However, I can count on one hand how many title screens I have seen over the last 5 years. I get so far, lose interest, move on. Several months later I will feel like playing again, wipe the save and start over rinse and repeat.

    Games that keep calling me back however are Skyrim, Fallout 4 and the Bioshock trilogy.

  • This is just beautiful! I’m most definitely sharing this with my Co dev tomorrow. He is going to love the level of scope creep (he is well known for dropping us right in it and leaving them get away with things never discussed or agreed before hand) and the dogs and logo is chefs kiss!

    I’m perplexed daily by what planet some people are living on. Just when you think you have witnessed it all, seen every crazy request in the book a client drops one pit of the blue that leaves you with a feeling of “how the fuck do I respond to this without insinuating their a total and utter moron”.

  • Completely agree… I see so many posts with “I would like this feature from Reddit etc.” But honestly, it’s quite refreshing to have something different.

    The API changes were just the straw that broke the camel for me as after 13 years plus on the platform, it didn’t even resemble what I initially signed up for.

    I legit hope Lemmy doesn’t turn in to a Reddit 2.0 where every reply to question is someone trying to be a smart ass and where not conforming to the ideology of the masses gets you nuked.

    I too remember the days of IRC and I remember sitting in certain channels where we would all take turns in staying silent and allowing someone on the chat to hit the record voice and play a Jazz song they loved. I would sit there all night listening to and sharing music with people from all over the world drinking beers and chatting among ourselves.

    Man, the early days of work arounds and early internet I miss. Every night of surfing was seriously exciting as you never knew what you would stumble on or find. Now it’s the same dozen websites over and over rinse and repeat.

    Anyhow, nostalgia and gripe over… I agree 100%.

    I’m really enjoying Lemmy as is and don’t want to be wishing it away any time soon !

  • Thank you !

    At the moment I want it out of the box and just work. I want to see natively how much of my workflow I can actually migrate across. I am however a brute in my day job and have no doubt that once I’m relatively comfortable with some form of Linux I will stretch it and eventually head somewhere I can fully customise like Arch.

    I’m semi Linux literate as I manage a number of web servers so I understand the absolute basics. No more, no less :)

  • I hear you… it’s a killer isn’t it.

    The number of times I have made a rod for my own back with clients… “Yea, I’ll add that I’m for you no problem”…

    The famous last words.

    The can of worms opens and a few rounds of crisis of confidence and tears later, eventually get there and think, I’m keeping my mouth shut from here on in.

    Rinse and repeat :)