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Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • orrk@lemmy.worldtoA Boring Dystopia@lemmy.worldMay 13, 1985
    2 months ago

    because this has nothing to do with concentration camps, and everything to do with the American government and government related massacres in America?

    I mean, if you want to bring concentration camps into this, we can start talking about why a majority of the American prison population is black and are used as life long slave labor.

  • Pretending men and their societies aren’t a unique problem is misogyny.

    here’s a shocker for you, women are part of society as a whole, and no misogyny isn’t a unique problem, it mirrors the same issues that are ever present in racism, ableism, poverty etc…

    you REALLY need to brush up on your intersectional theory

    PS: if your reference to “men’s societies” was to the idea that men somehow control society, then may I redirect your attention to “rich people” (who do actually control society)

  • no, true crime definitely plays into this, because the question is not asking “what is safer”, but “what feels safer”, and while it’s not inherently wrong for anyone to mistrust random people, especially women in decently large parts of society, this is a feeling question, and like it or not, but Society does consist of the stories we tell ourselves and others, and while we still have a long way to go, you can not argue that women are less safe now than during the 50s - 60s - 70s - 80s, yet the perception of many people is that it has scarcely ever been more dangerous, and that also has a reason.

  • again, just because it’s a different company doesn’t change the power structures that enable them, we aren’t talking about corporate structures here (also Securitas does unironically union bust for large companies like Amazon).

    as for the “They didn’t intimidate the guy”, you don’t do that by threatening legal actions and the costs involved bankrupting a person.

    The guy obtained unreleased cards (ie stolen) “from an acquaintance” and then refused all attempts to contact him by WotC.

    That is complete head cannon on your end, as WotC tried calling twice with a suppressed phone ID and then sent the agent directly.

    Do you think WotC should have sent police to his door?

    you know, we have this magic thing in the civilized world called “proper legal action”, if they had a case they would have just sent a legal notice, inform the police, and the police only come get you if you ignore the court, but they didn’t do that, you know why? because no lawyer worth his salt would have signed off on this

  • orrk@lemmy.worldtoA Boring Dystopia@lemmy.worldMay 13, 1985
    2 months ago

    they don’t you say? so none of them involved Government force, and not for the better?

    but let’s be honest, Tulsa just had mainly black victims and was supported by the government (this is fine)

    Blair Mountain just had mainly socialists as victims and was supported by the government (this is also fine)

    but Waco, those were upstanding whites who refused the tyrannical mandate of the government (real victims)

  • no, it’s that the same power structures have persisted and are still doing the same shit under a different mantle, even if it’s technically a Swedish company now (hit those people from Blair Mountain are long since retired, yet the organization is still doing similar things).

    PS: “literally ask to” is a funny way of saying intimidate, the reason they refused to involve proper authorities was that legally speaking they had no case