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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • [Tire sales] are growing a little faster than the population, but still slower than the GDP [sad tire manufacturer noises]

    Why should sales in a static (and resource intense and polluting) technology like tires grow faster than the population? Making money off the stock market seems kind of evil

    EVs are still part of the solution, though. Not spilling gas all day long on every corner of the city would be a big deal.

  • Watching this can change the world. It does make me ill.

    The secondhand market should be huge and top of mind. Furniture stores should have 80 percent of the store used goods. Craigslist, etc, is fun but frustrating. I’m not particularly picky or fearful, but person to person is just inefficient.

    Also, people have been sold on needing everything to reflect themselves and their tastes and knowledge, sort of catalog/review envy, I feel it myself. But you know, it’s just a chair or a shelf or a food processor or a jacket or whatever: try to embrace serendipity :) They have pens at goodwill, a bag for $2, and it’s all kinds and brands and it will cover your household needs for years rather than leak and rot into a hole in the ground-- that kind of thing, just consider it as often as you can. Once you have that down you will find you need less stuff because you are not using it to represent yourself, just for it’s actual purpose, and you will find it easier to pass things on as well.

    Just my drunk advice

  • I’m not a therapist, so this is just a guess, but the “scared you off” comments and maybe the hints at depression could be seen as manipulative, especially when he really never wanted anything from the relationship beyond the online attention. He made her feel guilty for not spending more time and energy on him while exaggerating his own interest in her. Perhaps in his previous relationships the manipulation went further. Your friend needs to know she is not at all to blame for the end of this relationship. Nor is she dumb for caring about someone more than they cared about her: you can’t always tell. But perhaps she will take from it the idea that she could ask for things that are important to her, like in-person contact or space to be doing something other than talking to him without being nagged, sooner in the process to be sure the other person is on the same page. Help her understand that whatever anxiety she felt to shore up his emotions should be at most a small part of their interaction. A relationship shouldn’t feel like a tomagatchi pet.