• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • It does mean something.

    The skibidi toilet “creatures” are considered the antagonists, and the word is associated with their traits.

    • creepy
    • gross
    • scary
    • weird

    Its an insult to and pretty much interchangeably with “creepy” with a splash of “cringe”

    Often paired with “ohio” which means “bland” / " boring" / “mid”


    “Yo he got that skibidi Ohio rizz”


    “This dude has zero game, in fact he is creepy and weird and has negative charisma, people find him repulsive and boring”

  • Unfortunately this is false. They’ve tested this and monkeys establish captilasm extremely fast when they come to understand currency as a concept.


    They would exchange the currency, steal it, gamble with it, purchase with it, and even do some prostitution for it.

    Edit: To people responding that this isnt capitalism, it actually is, in this case the privatized controller of wealth were the researchers distributing “payment” to the monkeys at a fixed rate, as well as having experiments where the monkeys had to pull levers before they would receive rewards either to themselves or later, altruistically to other monkeys.

    You would know that if you took the time to read up on the study before responding…

  • The fact that they prioritized Helluva Boss (which does follow that type of storyline), on their own YouTube (which they have control over), whereas Hazbin was put onto Amazon Prime with only 8 episodes honestly is what I think caused it.

    My gut instinct was to assume they had to agree to certain conditions to get onto Amazon Prime and the money from that is what got us Helluva Boss (which if you haven’t watched that, it’s so fuckin good)

  • It’s a musical, the songs are catchy.

    However I disliked how fast paced the writing was, and how even though it’s called “Hazbin Hotel” and the pilot framed it as a sort of slice of life “bunch weirdos” hanging out and getting redemption, instead that weirdly became the B plot?

    Somehow they took the whole story and shifted it over to the B plot and pulled this other big high stakes thing out as the A plot.

    That’s not really what I was wanting to watch, and it feels a bit like they hit swapped out the story on me, so I kinda got a bit turned off by that.

    I don’t give a shit about some high stakes angels vs demons war end game shit.

    I wanted to see interpersonal relationships of weirdos learning to co-exist.

    Tl;dr: I was expecting something closer to The Good Place, but instead that got side lined by some huge MCU style plot no one asked for.

  • Yup, I usually have it set to the slowest setting when typing.

    I find I work much better and can think clearer while walking, as it keeps the blood flowing and makes me feel more awake and engaged.

    If I have a tough problem I’m trying to work through I turn the speed up to a faster pace and sorta just work through it in my head while speed walking, often this helps a lot!

    During meetings when I’m bored I also turn the speed up a bit.

    I often get around 10k to 12k steps in a day now.

    Note I don’t stay on the treadmill all day long, I usually clock a good 4 hours on it though.

    Then I take a break and chill on the couch with my work laptop, usually I leave my more “chill” tasks like writing my tests for this part, and throw on some Netflix while I churn all my tests out.

    Highly recommend it, I’ve lost a good 15ish lbs now in the past year since I started doing it, and I just generally feel a lot better, less depressed, less anxious :)

  • I have heard of jupyter but am not familiar with its nuances.

    But doing python dev with neovim is very doable, it uses the same LSP I think.

    I personally have a dedicated dev machine running debian that has everything on it, including nvim configured.

    I SSH into my dev box from other machines to do work, because neovim is a TUI it “just works” over SSH inside the terminal itself, which is what I like about it.

    It feels good to just

    1. SSH into my box
    2. tmuxinator my-project-name

    And boom, 4 tmux tabs pop open ready to go in the terminal:

    • nvim (pointing at the project dir)
    • lazygit already open
    • nvim (pointing at my secrets.json file elsewhere)
    • an extra general console window opened to project root

    And I can just deep dive into working asap in just those 2 steps, it feels very smooth.

    I often can even just do tmux a (short for attach) to just straight re-open whatever session I last had open in tmux, instantly jumping right back into where I left off.

  • I try and start using it for basic tasks, like note taking, to get used to its interface and basic commands like :w and :q, as well as switching between insert and cmd mode.

    Once you are familiar with switching between modes, copying, pasting, etc, then you probably will wanna Starr learning it’s lua api and how to load in some QoL plugins. Basic stuff like treesitter, telescope, and nvim-tree are good places to start.

    Once you feel comfortable with swapping between files with telescope and configuring plugins, I’d deep dive into getting an LSP up and running for your language of choice so you can actually code.

    In the interim I’d recommend getting comfy with using tmux in your terminal, try and open new tmux tabs to do units of work instead of constantly cding around.

    I like to keep 4 tmux tabs open for a project:

    • nvim
    • lazygit
    • secrets file open in nvim (usually my secrets file is in another dir so it doesn’t check into git)
    • a general terminal tab for running commands

  • From my experience the only big changes I’d say I made overtime are:

    1. Font size bumped up

    2. Switched to neovim from visual studio, which took like a year to relearn my entire workflow (100% worth it though)

    3. Switched from multiscreen setup to one single big screen (largely due to #2 above no longer needing a second screen, tmux+harpoon+telescope+fzf goes brrrr)

    4. Switched to a standing desk with a treadmill, because I became able to afford a larger living space where I can fit such a setup.

    If I were to do this meme though it’d mostly be #1, there just came a day when I had to pop open my settings and ++ the font size a couple times, that’s how I knew I was getting old.

  • Apples and oranges.

    Itd only be comparable if everyone had an equal chance of becoming the sole owner of a company via random lottery, simply by joining the company.

    In which case, yes, most people would congregate to the largest companies to min max their odds.

    You can’t really compare anything else to a lottery because a lottery is truly a level playing field, it’s pyre chance.

    Any other comparison introduces tonnes of variables like status, gender, orientation, religion, wealth, etc etc.

    It isn’t a literal dice roll if your company you start succeeds or not, you can’t just go pay a fee to start a company, kick your feet up and there’s a pure 1 in x chance it makes it without you doing anything.

    But that is how a lottery works. You buy the ticket, you wait, and you either win or lose by chance.

    And most importantly your success scales by how many others participated.

    So you end up with the majority of people congregating to a select few lotteries because they all want to win The Big One TM.

  • The thing is, the reason it gets so high is because it has the potential to get so high. It’s the powerballs selling point.

    I’d suspect if someone made a lottery using your system, it would be less popular and wouldn’t actually have the situation occur since less people would fund it.

    The powerballs bananas numbers it can scale up to us exactly what makes it so popular and able to scale so high. Everyone collectively has agreed that poeerball is the primary lottery to pitch into with everyone else.

    I think if you set up a theoretical test where you have a bunch of people together, and a bunch of lotteries they can gamble on each week, you’d quickly find after a few weeks everyone would be gambling at the same lottery, give or take.

  • Others have covered the fact it’s because of air pressure but haven’t fully answered why that is the way it is.

    It’s simple really.

    The force of gravity is also at play. As you go higher up, gravity gets weaker as you get farther from the earth’s centre.

    And it is that gravitational force that increases the air’s density, same reason why if you keep going down in the water, the water gets denser.

    For the heat to move around you need to be in a sort of goldilocks zone of density.

    It needs to be dense enough that the fluid molecules can move around and spread the convection energy around… but not so dense they can’t move much either.

    Furthermore there’s actually a couple different layers of our atmosphere.

    First at our level is the troposphere, where heat is absorbed into the ground itself and radiated back out, as well as the perpetual heat from the earth’s core, and reflected off the ground too (visible light).

    The troposphere is warm and gets colder as you get farther away from the earth’s surface, naturally. That heat is absorbed by the air itself so, as you get farther away it gets colder as it has more air to travel through.

    Up higher is the Stratosphere, where it’s ice cold and the air thins out.

    However we get a sudden uptick in temp as we go even higher into what is called the Stratopause, back to briefly warm temperatures between the Stratosphere and the Mesosohere. Why? How?

    Simple, this is the little sweet spot Ozone molecules hang out, forming a protective convenient bubble around the earth. Ozone absorbs Ultraviolet light from the sun and turns out that stuff is HOT, so there’s a band of a hot zone right above and below the Ozone layer. Think of it as a toasty little bubble around us.

    Above is the mesosphere which cools off again and gets back to being really frosty quickly, for the same reason the Stratosphere did, distance.

    Then we hit the mesosphere, which is effectively the point when the atmosphere is so thin it stops protecting and is the “outside” of our protective blanket.

    You can imagine this like earth being wrapped in a blanket, and the mesosphere is everything outside the blanket. Without any protection you are subject to the unbridled radiation of the sun which means you go back to being really toasty, as you get a bit higher you are effectively in space now and will soon enough hit temps that just cook you alive in a minute or two. Really bad sunburn zone.

    So to answer the question overall:

    Hot air rises… but only when there is air to rise.

    Top of the mountains just don’t have enough air anymore for it to really rise much more. It still does but the hot air rising effect just gets weaker and weaker as the air gets thinner due to less gravity.

  • In a world of chaotic magic though, you also have to factor in the potential side effects of jailing someone with uncontrolled magic.

    It’s very possible that jailing her could make things worse, potentially producing disastrous effects.

    I’d say banishment would be more practical, ideally sending her off to somewhere where she can get help. At least temporarily relocating her out of range of harming others, then promptly sending messengers to kingdoms to find anyone who may be able to help her with her powers.

    While of course still keeping her supplied and having a liason between her abd the kingdom, so she isn’t totally isolated, and keeping her updated on attempts to locate help.

    Of course this should’ve been done long before she was a grown woman, she should’ve had a teacher found when she was still a child, instead of just locking her up in her room forever.

    I’ll keep it a headcannon that this was reasonably the case, that her entire childhood in isolation simultaneously had messengers desperately searching for help far and wide, and they truly just never were able to find her a teacher or anyone who knew wtf was going on and could help, her powers were just that esoteric.

    Anything less wouldn’t make sense, but perhaps wasn’t worth spending screen time on…