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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • Maybe I can illustrate better. Imagine your boss goes to pay you your paycheck and gives you and your coworkers 75% of what you’re supposed to be paid instead of 100%. You say, “Hey, where’s my other 25%” and they respond, “I don’t have any more, we ran out of money to pay you. We had to adjust to stay sustainable. You’ll only get 75% until our finances change.” Would you say, “well, since there’s still savings maybe, and there’s gonna be a bunch of new money the next time you go to pay out, just not enough, you technically didn’t run out. That’s technically something else?” I don’t know, maybe you would. I’d call that running out, though.

  • It’s a bigger problem that barely has to do with the specific shows or movies. Marvel Studios has mostly been coasting since Endgame. It also didn’t prioritize female led properties, so they’re all coming out in this coasting period. This means they might be on average not as good. It’s not directly because they’re female led, but it is sort of indirectly because of that.

  • Except Hamas is the government in Gaza and can setup pretty much whatever situation it wants to there, while it is hated in Israel outside of Gaza and would be prevented from taking an Israeli hospital and constructing elaborate tunnels under it. That’s kind of like saying “If Russia wants Ukraine so bad, why doesn’t it just take Kyiv?” Because it can’t. There’s a bunch of obstacles stopping it, otherwise it obviously would.

  • rchive@lemm.eeto4chan@lemmy.worldTargeting the Teacher
    8 months ago

    Some do, some don’t. Some just interpret the phrase differently. Some would say guns are already one of the most regulated products so they’re already “well-regulated.” Also the Supreme Court ruled in Heller that despite it saying “militia” the phrase really means individual people, meaning individual people have the fundamental right to possess firearms, etc. So, I think most of these people are not disregarding it, they’re interpreting it a different way. It’s the SCOTUS official interpretation, so it’s not like it’s a crackpot idea even if it’s ultimately wrong. I know I disagree with SCOTUS on a ton of stuff.

  • They also want to be able to support their families by making money through the Obsidian application, which could be more difficult in an open source environment.

    This is the only one that seems really legit to me. That and the other commenter that said open source is more work, which is probably true, and if you’re not getting benefit it could be a net loss.