• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • if they’re healthy

    Exactly. Innumerable health issues can be worsened by excessive heat and heat injuries, like heat exhaustion or heat stroke. The reason heat is such a big deal is the capacity to get hurt just by being outdoors. Climate change absolutely plays a factor in this equation, because the subtropical states are reaching highs of well over 100 degrees. There’s no acclimating out of a heat stroke.

  • rockSlayer@lemmy.world
    toAsklemmy@lemmy.mlAre you a 'tankie'
    22 days ago

    I don’t consider myself a tankie, because I’m an anarcho-syndicalist.

    I’ve been called a tankie for suggesting that workers should organize tenant unions to kill the apartment bidding wars in NYC. I’ve been called a tankie for pointing out that their image of a tankie needs to almost have power to be any kind of threat worth warning against, and there are no tankies anywhere near power with the global rise of fascism. I’ve been called a tankie for asking someone to clarify what they meant by tankie. I’ve been told that scientific socialism both is and is not tankie behavior. The term is utterly meaningless. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s part of a 3rd red scare in an effort to sow division amongst the anticapitalist left.

  • Capitalism operated almost exclusively as monarchies for the first 200 years. Hundreds of capitalist countries have failed, but why are only the failed communist states counted against the ideology? Vietnam, Cuba, and China certainly haven’t failed. Now I don’t consider those to be socialist or communist projects, but they’re undeniably different from the capitalist status quo. What specifically do you mean when you say a country fails in the first place?