• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • From my short time with proxmox, I had to dive into the command line to do configuration at the host level that couldnt be done with the UI. I think nixos will help replacd those ad hoc configurations with nix options. In the many articles I read about gpu passthru, and also doing harddrive passthru, I had to work in the host debian environment.

    I dumped proxmox because I couldnt get gpu passthrough to work, and havent looked back. Nixos modules and docker have served me better than VMs for my usecase.

  • As a community, I do think we get hungup on distros. Most of them, as you mentioned, are just different defaults of the same packages.

    But at the maintainer level, I do think theres a lot of work distributions do at making sure the software they choose as defaults are up to date, secure, and work with one another. I dont enounter it often, but relying on maintainers to prevent mismatched depencies ending up in the day-to-day linux user has to be worth something. And every set of defaults needs that level of assurance, I would think. Im not a maintainer, I could be off here.

  • To be fair, you’re taking on a lot of new things at once. You can spin up docker containers on windows too, all while using a UI. I think it’s great your exposing yourself to self hosting, linux, command line interface, and containerization all at once, but don’t beat yourself up for it taking longer than expected. A lot of it takes time. I encourage you to keep trying and playing. Good luck!

  • A home media server is a good start (jellyfin, for instance.) I also think nextcloud is a swiss army knife, and spinning up the nextcloud AIO would get you’re feet wet with relatively little effort to how much stuff nextcloud can do (all the differents apps you can install from the web interface. I use news, cookbook, bookmarks, frequently.)

  • They have resolved this exact problem. There is an “experimental” cli tool that fixes a lot of your complaints about nix-env, nix-channel, etc. Itcs wrapped together with “flakes”. This newer feature is a little different, and working with or without flakes segments the community AND the types of articles about nix, like this one.

    As far as I know though, nixos related thing still have a bizarre set of commands, and even with flakes “nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade” is still how you switch configs.

    And as far as installation goes, using nix-env -iA really is a bad practice. Thats installing something ad hoc like you would in any other package manager. That defeats the point of nixos, where your configuration file explicitly defines all the packages you need installed, and nothing else. Nix will remove any packages you didnt specify.

  • Programs like paperlessngx do a great job for cateloguing and indexing documents. I would like something similar for tagging personal photos and videos. But I would think the idea behind paperless would generalize relatively easy, and there would be something like paperless thats more general purpose and not just for documents.

    You could technically make paperlessngx work, since you could catelogue photos, for instance. But it’s not flexible in the types of tags you can assign to it.

    Something like metabase baserow, like a database client with quality of life UI features, might also work for you. You could build your own table for articles of clothing, name the tags you want, and even add images inline with each row.

    EDIT: sorry, not metabase. I meant baserowbaserow.io