• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Scammers abroad: Troll with randomness. Laugh at inappropriate times. Nod at them while making the eating food gesture. Randomly start pointing down a street like you’re trying to give directions but just shrug. Pick a random sports team name and say, “Gooooo EAGLES!” while nodding and dancing. Basically pick some random thing, pretend they said it, and you’re going along with it.

    If they’re pointing to friendship braclets, you say “9 o’clock.” even though it’s 1:30. If they keep doing it, you just laugh, nod, and clap.

    My favourite is pretending I’m deaf and making up signing. When they start gesturing, I repeat the gesture in shock. When they nod, I act disgusted like they’re sick in the head.

    They will very quickly move on since you’re a waste of time. The more awkward you make it, the better, especially if you’re drawing looks from others.

  • saltesc@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlThe meaning of life
    10 days ago

    There isn’t one. At least one that you have a say in. Your purpose is to be a part of nature as you always have and always will be. Your purpose right now is to conduct yourself as you are, since that’s how nature made you to be. You will die, as nature has purposed. You will be re-used as nature has purposed. You will never again be in the natural state you are currently in, but you will always be a part of nature.

    Reflect frequently upon the instability of things, and how very fast the scenes of nature are shifted. Matter is in perpetual flux. Change is always and everywhere at work; it strikes through causes and effects, and leaves nothing fixed and permanent.

    The only constant is nature. If it has a purpose, you have found yours.

  • Very often replying “use function blabla() and such snd so” very detailed instructions while this suggested function just doesn’t exist at all in certain language asked fo

    I’ve noticed this a lot too—especially for M. But even though it makes up a function, it sometimes inspires a more optimised idea/method that can be more flexible for future datasets.

    But most times it starts to massacre things and disregard prompted parameters or even producing an identical suggestion immediately after being told not to, why not to, and reconfirming original parameters of the query.

    Some times punching in the same prompts five times for five iterations produces completely different results, but one may be on the right track and I can code the rest. It helps to set it’s personality first, so it’s sharing ideas it’s seen out there, rather than trying to please.

    At the least, it’s a big time saver. Gone are the days where I get a few days spare to work on solving a complex problem through trial and discovery, so it’s an excellent tool for reducing testing time and speeding up the route to an optimised method.

  • That’s actually a pretty good analogy.

    I think more like discovering making fire or something. 90% of all the energy burnt is people worshipping it as it blazes away, never actually fulfilling any practical use except being marvelous to be around.

    But once the forest is all chopped down, people are forced to understand fire and realise a couple small logs in a contained place was all they needed to have it be incredibly effective.

    Oh, but that’s too hard. It’s magic right now. All hail the AI bonfire!

  • I am so over hearing about AI. It’s getting to the point that I can assume anyone dropping the term at work is an idiot that hasn’t actually used or utilised it.

    It’s this LLM phase. It’s super cool and a big jump in AI, but it’s honestly not that good. It’s a handy tool and one you need to heavily scrutinise beyond basic tasks. Businesses that jumped on it are now seeing the negative effects of thinking it was magic from the future that does everything. The truth is, it’s stupid and people need to learn about it, understand it, and be trained in how to use it before it can be effective. It is a tool, not a solution—at least for now anyways.

  • Craggles™

    Sandles for the crag allowing belayers to quickly slip them on and off. Toe area capped with light armour and good rubber soles for scrambling. Of course they have accessory loops for quickly attaching to bags for multi-pitch, Gone are the days of sore feet from belaying in climbing shoes, toe damage from catching a whip in flip-flops, or holding up your climbing partner by trying to find your approach shoes and a spot to put them on.

  • Hexen to CS 1.6. We must be very similar in age. That’s basically my teens.

    Red Alert was my favourite. Dial-up multiplayer with my school friend. Rarely finished a game because someone’s house got a phone call or someone picked up the phone. We both got in trouble when the first phone bills came in. Would spend about $2.50 in local calls each time tuntil the computers linked up. A $60 phone bill was savage back then for families living in government housing and struggling to pay off a base model computer.

  • It’d be all through intake, not exhaust. That’s where you get all the sucky whoosh noises sound from. Anything from the exhaust will be too explosive. Effectively, harnessing the sound of air being dragged into the engine for combustion, not being banged out.

    The original sound was inspired by the sirens attached to Stukas in WW2, the siren wailing as the plane dove and air rushed through. These were added simply to terrify people.

    However, there is rotaries. Adding rotary blocks to a rotary engine will make a much smoother scream sound, like the V10s and V12s of earlier Formula 1 cars. Though, it will be lacking that open air sound. Maybe with the right exhaust and intake, a tone could be achieved.

    If you went EV, electric motors are high-pitched unless very large. You could combine this sound with air vents—catching air like the Stukas’ dive bomb air sirens—to get something similar, however, the air vents will be dependent on making noise with constant speed, disassociated with the engine. The TIE fighter also has no electric noise, it’s all terrifying roar…well, whatever the inhaling version of a roar is.

  • saltesc@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlEngine placement in cars
    24 days ago

    I’m sure they all ended as fireballs.

    Understeers into corner “Shit!”

    Applies brakes and immediately oversteers “Fuck!”

    Goes off ravine sideways “Oh, hell!”

    Plummets to ground facing the sky “Shiiiiii-”

    Engine block pierces through fuel tank on impact and gets exploded through the cabin