• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Took on a bit too much recently and this week it peaks with an event/lecture I helped organise, wrapping up a fundraising drive for an NGO, and then there’s piano lesson, German class and sports.

    Like I said it’s too much so it’s time to take a break from volunteer work for a bit and I’ve cancelled my piano classes - playing is fun but having to practice consistently is not.

  • I like Void, it feels a little more like a BSD. But I’ve only really used it for experimentation, no idea what it’s like as a daily driver.

    You could also try an actual BSD. OpenBSD has a very clear style and direction which I like but be careful when partitioning, they have their own ‘disklabel’ system. Updates are really streamlined with syspatch and sysupgrade.

    NetBSD had a nice TUI installer. It may appear a bit less focussed on its aims but has a lot going for it: many supporter platforms, a friendly community, etc.

    There’s also FreeBSD, DragonflyBSD, possibly more but I don’t have much experience with those.

  • Is de Reddit Blackout de reden dat je hier bent gaan lurken/commenten?

    Dat haalde me wel over de streep ja. En dan niet de blackout zelf maar het gedrag van Reddit.

    Wat vind je tot dusver van de Lemmy ervaring? Wat mist er?

    Ben al enthousiast Mastodon-gebruiker dus het federated aspect was geen probleem en met wat scherpe randjes of onhandigheden kan ik best leven. Wat ik vooral onhandig vindt, ook op Mastodon trouwens, is het werken met links naar andere instances. Dat copy-zoek-paste dansje zou niet nodig moeten zijn.

    Denk je dat Lemmy of een andere fediverse site leidt tot de terugkeer van kleinere forums en communities op internet?

    Ik weet niet of het Lemmy gaat worden, maak me toch zorgen om de mass appeal. Wel leuk om nu al instances te zien met duidelijk eigen karakter. zoals Beehaw.