• 7 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • The thing people need to remind themselves is that - it’s subjective. You don’t really know how good a product is, unless it’s in your hands or you’ve got hands-on experience. It sucks, because we can’t demo everything and it forces us to sometimes take financial risks.

    It just comes down to what you’re looking for out of a product. Is it X-free from Y chemicals? Does it meet a specific standard you’re looking for?

    What pisses me off with reviews sometimes is how vague and scarce a review can be. Most of the time it’s people just going “It works! Thanks!” or “It sucks. Don’t buy!”. Like, I can’t evaluate a product on that alone, I need a little more to work with. And a lot of the time too is that people will just complain in a review of something that isn’t even about the product like “it didn’t arrive on time…0 stars”. How is that relevant to the product? Sounds more like a problem with the shipping service, two different things.

    You don’t need to always write reviews spanning 10 paragraphs. But christ, just write more than “it sucks, don’t buy”. Why does it suck? What makes it suck? Come on, details.

  • I used to once believe, that a lot of what is on the internet lasts forever. It was a little naive to think, because over the course of my time online, I’ve seen things that I thought would last, ended up not lasting.

    I would sometimes cross-search old usernames of mine because I do get around online. I can only now see my past accounts that I’ve made at least 5 years ago. Only 2 accounts that I recall, are 10+ years old when it used to be a bit more. It tells me that things will shut down eventually and it’ll take down many accounts with it.

    Unless you are on platforms hosted by Google or Microsoft by using their services, it’s going to last for a long time because they’re a little too big to just simply vanish overnight.

    Your best option is to just back up what you can and if you remember to before you die, make arrangements for preservation purposes with instructions to those you’d want in on it.

  • There are people who are hired specifically to pad reviews. They’re easy to spot though. Every 5 star review reads exactly the same even if it’s different wording.

    “This app changed my life!”

    “I was looking for so long to have an app like this so I’m happy this app exists!”

    “This app is so easy to use and install, I don’t understand why people are complaining about it”

    If you want true honesty, read some of the 3 star reviews and below.

  • From the times people bother to break down their budget and spending. It’s always this:

    Entertainment (This could mean spending premium on streaming services, game subscriptions, whatever) - Roughly $100+

    They’re on a bundled plan where they only use the internet (they have cable and phone that they never touch because again, they watch streaming and they have their smartphones) - $150+ or more.

    Their rent is $950 ~ $1,200

    They regularly go to McDonalds, Starbucks or if they’re not going to them, they’re heading out to their local joints that upsell. Each visit we’ll say is $50+

    They spend $100 ~ $200 on weed and alcohol combined.

    Their phone plan is $100+

    Their grocery spending is $100 ~ $150

    Like, nearly everything they spend on, is going to be triple digits or higher double digits. They shout down and argue with others when they’re defensive going on about “DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO WITH MY MONEY!!!1”

    Bruh, you’re the one coming online and bitching about why you’re always broke, whining about your wage, crying about your rent, complaining about why things are so costly.

    Bottom line is - it’s YOU. You’re trying to chase a lifestyle that you can’t sustain because you make so many bone-headed decisions thinking these are the keys to a comfortable lifestyle. Shut the fuck up and realize where in parts that some of your budgeting is wrong.

  • This article is lacking a statistic and that’s how much a young individual is spending on themselves for food. I’ve heard though of some people spending upwards of like $150. For food? That’s absurd and it can’t make me think nothing else that maybe it is just a them issue.

    I certainly have never spent more than $35 ~ $50 and it’s just me. I’m able to fill my fridge or something else with food. I don’t know why these other people just struggle. I think still that it comes down to bad budgeting and maybe some poor lifestyle choices.

    Of course they’re going to spend more on brand items, of course they’re going to spend more when buying bulk, of course you’re spending more for buying foods that cater to some dieting trend .etc It’s no big surprise. And yes, some stores unreasonably upcharge prices for no reason and call it ‘competing’.

  • That’s a fundamental flaw I am seeing with the fediverse, least some instances while understanding it’s not exclusive to just here. When the head of a community isn’t around, it’s free game for those to shit all over it unanswered. It’s frustrating and I had wished there would have been some plans to have backup individuals capable of upholding the values of the community to prevent it from falling down or into the wrong hands.

    The fediverse is supposed to be a representative of an alternative escape for those tired of the centralized networks of social media. When we’re dealing with cases like these, it just makes everything look weak and unattractive to would be newcomers just beginning to understand the alternatives of the fediverse.

    I would apply myself but really I can admit that I might not always be around either and knowing people are facing issues, it sucks.