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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Probably can’t, I’m on iOS; it looks to be Android only. Airplay is also a fairly important feature for me, since Airplay and DLNA are the main ways I send my music to devices.

    Re: DJ modes, Plex does a full sonic analysis (ala Musicbrainz) of your music and uses this for mixes and DJs, for doing things like adding sonically similar songs into your set list or doing a sonic adventure every few tracks. It also uses metadata for stuff like playing tracks from the same artist, or same era (e.g 1990s).

    The features make for very dynamic automatic playlists that work well and flow smoothly both within and between different genres.

  • I currently use a Resmed Airsense 10 and can’t recommend it enough; best sleep I’ve ever had.

    Just avoid anything by Philips Respironics. They’ve been messing around hard, class action suits and recalls and haven’t really made anyone whole from the debacle (myself included, I came out of pocket to replace my old Dreamstation).

  • You’re probably right with the bullshit going on now. IBM just loves fucking up everything it touches. You wouldn’t believe the headaches all the RHEL 9 crap and the end of CentOS has caused for some of my customers. AlmaLinux seems like a decent alternative, but not sure how well it’s going to be received long term.

    I’ll add that I don’t know if there are good certs for it, but SQL admins are pretty much always in demand, and I hear that kinda thing can pay well. I knew some folks in business Intelligence (BI) that did nothing but SQL and outputting charts and data for analytics and they made bank. Seemed like a pretty neat job too, I have to admit. It’s cool to take data like that and turn it into something useful for everyone else.

    And having occasionally mucked around in postgres DBs, yeah, good on them. SQL can be both completely simple, and at the same time, ridiculously complex and involved, all depending on how deep down the rabbit hole you want to go. Blows my mind all the things you can do with it with so few commands.

  • This person got in somewhere good early on and rode that career train. These opportunities rarely exist today unless you arre a charismatic super talented genius.

    Not really true. It takes a bit of knowing your worth, advocating for yourself in interviews, and job hopping as needed for pay raises every year or two while continuing to build your skills both on the job and outside of it. IT isn’t an industry that lends itself to job stability and high pay if you stay in a role long term, and stagnation can certainly be a factor if you decide to stop learning things.

    Also. it’s still very possible to get in, but focus these days is DevOps, automation, virtualization, and more recently, AI. You won’t make bank in some shitty low tier helpdesk role.

    A good start would be certification path to pick up some straightforward “guaranteed to get you work” kind of certs like:

    • Linux+
    • Network+
    • VMware VCP-DCV (and later with experience maybe VCP-CMA)
    • Any Redhat cert
    • Security+ if you’re interested in cybersecurity and/or federal work (USA, not sure about other places)

    Alternately, getting a few programming languages under your belt is totally doable for free with Youtube and other online courses and then doing your own projects with public repositories on Github for prospective employers to see. Getting a foot in the door with dev is gonna be very luck of the draw though.

    You definitely wont’ start out making a wage that high on the Ops side, but finding a foot in the door at between $25 and $30 an hour shouldn’t be hard once you get some bare minimum experience under your belt.

    College grads may have an easier time, but I wouldn’t know, I dropped out and went the certification/experience route some 15+ years ago.

  • I dunno, there’s so many great NES games with interesting mechanics, and totally hold up today. Stuff like the OG Mega Man series, Bionic Commando, Blaster Master, Castlevania (especially CV3), River City Ransom, Little Samson, Batman (Sunsoft version), Metal Storm, Double Dragon 2, Mighty Final Fight (IMO better than the original), Ninja Gaiden series, Contra, Tecmo Super Bowl, Shatterhand… list goes on.

    There’s a lot of great games for the system if you can look past the graphics. And there are still games being made either for it, or as homages. Stuff like Micro Mages (actual NES game that’s also on Steam and it’s great), Blazing Chrome (inspired by Contra/Contra 3), and stuff like Legend Bowl and Retro Bowl (retro inspired American football games), and The Messenger, which was Ninja Gaiden and Metroidvania inspired.