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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • While on the topic, this isn’t how passwords work in systems.

    Passwords are stored as one way hashes. So it’s cryptoed only in one direction, it’s lossy, and can’t be recovered back to the original password.

    When you log on, your cleartext PW is hashed in ephemeral memory/storage and then the cleartext password is thrown away.

    That hash is compared to the hash in the DB. If the hash matches, then you have access. If it doesn’t, then your PW is incorrect.

    Oh my sweet Summer Child. This is definitely how it’s supposed to work, but there are plenty of services that just don’t know what the fuck they’re doing.

    Have you ever been on a site that has a stupid-low character limit for a password? There’s literally no reason to do that, all the hashes are going to end up the same size in the DB anyway regardless of the original string length. Even bcrypt’s max secret character limit is 70-something characters.

    Ever change a password and have it not work on the next login because they’re silently truncating it after a certain character limit? Ever get an email with an actual password in it?

    The only reason you would do things like this is if you’re storing/processing passwords in plaintext and not hashing it client-side first.

    I can think of 3 offenders of this off the top of my head. It’s a lot more common than you’d think.

  • tool@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlC++ Moment
    4 months ago

    On Error Resume Next never before have more terrible words been spoken.

    Every time I’m reading a PowerShell script at work and see -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue I want to scream into a pillow and forcefully revert their commit.

    I’ve actually done it a few times, but I want to do it every time.

  • They really don’t, though. Inclusion/exclusion operators work most of the time, but it’ll still return results with explicitly-excluded keywords. It also fucks up results by returning entries with similar words to your query, even when you double-quote a part of the search term. Advanced queries that use booleans and logical AND/OR don’t work at all anymore, that functionality has been completely removed. It returns what it thinks you want, not what you actually want, even when explicitly crafting a query to be as specific as possible.

    I use Kagi for search now and it’s 1000x better, especially when researching technical issues; it’s like when Google actually respected your search terms and query as a whole.

  • BTW, any authenticator app works when it tells you to use one. They all use a standard, so it doesn’t matter which one you use.

    Eh, it’s a little more nuanced than that, there’re more standards for MFA code generation than just TOTP.

    And even within the TOTP standard, there are options to adjust the code generation (timing, hash algorithm, # of characters in the generated code, etc.) that not all clients are going to support or will be user-configureable. Blizzard’s Battle.net MFA is a good example of that.

    If the code is just your basic 6-digit HMAC/SHA1 30-second code, yeah, odds are almost 100% that your client of choice will support it, but anything other than that I wouldn’t automatically assume that it’s going to work.

  • This is the first lesson you have to learn as a Linux enthusiast, NEVER run commands you don’t know from the internet

    “Nah, just curl this random web address and pipe it over to a sudo bash shell, everything will be fine!”

    I hate how this is becoming the official install method for more and more shit. It’s like dude, really? You may as well stick your dick in a garbage disposal, both of those actions are equally safe.

    You’re dreaming if you think I’m not going to wget it and read it to see what it does first.

  • tool@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldHere we go again
    11 months ago

    I’m forced to use either Chrome or Edge for my work computer and it drives me crazy.

    I’ve been a Sysadmin for a ~decade. I can state with 100% certainty that the reason behind that decision is that you can very easily configure Group Policy to control the behavior and visibility/availability of features in Chrome and Edge. Firefox didn’t have that until just a couple of years ago, and it wasn’t great when it first became available. And to be honest, it’s still not fully baked, but it’s at least usable now from an administrative perspective.

    Maybe bring it up to your IT department and include this link in the email/ticket.

  • tool@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlIt's not great
    11 months ago

    On GitLab, you start from a docker image, so it’s harder to setup some things but easier for others. If you are very good at docker and don’t mind making your own images just for CI purposes, then go ahead.

    I think I’d probably consider myself at/near expert-level with Docker, but CI/CD runners instanced in containers just doesn’t work for some of our workloads.

    As an example, some of our projects have a bunch of Docker images that get built via their own Dockerfiles in the repo, are ran and discarded during the workflow, and each one is modifying the checked-out source tree in some fashion (NPM stuff, composer, whatever, etc), and then a final prod Docker image is built and tested from that source repo tree that has been modified by the Docker containers built/ran/discarded during the workflow. So in Gitlab, it sounds like we’d be running Docker in Docker for some projects.

    You ever ran Docker in Docker? It’s temperamental at the very best and there are a thousand gotchas associated with it, not to mention having to worry about how many variable scopes deep you are and keeping track of that, how to properly bind mount volumes into the nested Docker containers because the method and paths will vary depending on how nested you are, etc. It’s just an absolute nightmare to deal with all-around in that context.

    I’ll see if we have some projects I can try out on it, but the majority of ours are like what I described above.