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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Don’t quote the old magic to me @hyperhopper, I was there when it was written.

    It’s a fun fan theory, up there with Chewie/R2 being secret leaders of the rebellion and pre-prequel theories about “what actually are the clone wars”, but it relies on George Lucas being incredibly subtle in a trilogy where every other metaphor is written on giant billboards with spotlights on them. I mean the whole thing is a setup to “Jar Jar is Snoke”.

    There were similar rumors that Lucas had the entire sequel/prequel trilogies planned out at the end of RotJ from the mid 80s until the prequels came out. Down to the EU books/comics (which he famously doesn’t care about) being Lucas’ plan all along. It was just “the man” keeping him from making the movies. That the man didn’t stop him making the original Star Wars before he was an extremely famous extremely wealthy movie maker was handwaved away.

    It’s the fun logic hoop fan version of “No Trump/Musk is actually playing 7D chess! What he actually meant was…”

  • Been watching through and was really thrown by the end of Season 2, where Tilly just… knows a Queen that’s integral to the plot? Apparently there’s a companion show of short side episodes? (also how the hell is she still a cadet? that whole side plot seems to just have been forgotten except for the occasional remark)

    The character was interesting, the show has it’s ups and downs, but that’s only a tad better than Palpatine showing back up in a special™️ Fortnite event.

  • Mostly meant the current Disney canon, which IIRC is all the live action movies, and the shows/books/etc made after the Clone Wars cartoon.

    I don’t think it shows up a lot, but every once in awhile one author or another will find out about it and use it as a plot point. The reference that comes to mind is one of the really old books (want to say Splinter of the Mind’s Eye?) making a distinction that the ‘ancient’ security droids they run across at one point use lasers. I think it comes up in some of the 90s games like Dark Forces too. Probably some comics. I think like “regular” guns (slugthrowers in SW) they’re mostly filed under “weird” weapons the occasional bad guy will use to try and counter lightsabers.

    Don’t really know if it shows up in the Disney stuff. They’re pretty scattershot with what is/isn’t canon from the pre-Disney EU.

  • During prohibition grape (formerly wine) producers sold grape juice with the warning label “don’t store in a cool dark place for multiple weeks or this product may become illegal”. (or something to that effect) You can do much the same with any grain or fruit.

    For Marijuana you have to at least get seeds/the plant first, which are now a controlled product. Yeah it’ll grow anywhere (hence “weed”), but you still have to source it and plant it somewhere with sunlight.

    Brewing at scale and/or for a specific product is difficult, making alcohol is easy.

  • One of the things that convinced me to go Makita when choosing my “house” was that they don’t have separate high and low voltage battery systems. Dewalt, Ryobi, and the others have a 18v/20v system and a 36v/40v system. Makita has bigger tools that you plug two batteries into and by the power of math you have a 36v tool off two of regular batteries.

    At least when I was looking that was a unique thing to them and seemed like a great idea.