
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I’d like a real life adblocker, which unfortunately runs against everyone’s business model.

    The other reason why especially facebook is pushing VR so hard is that they need their own platform to continue to have a business. Right now, their personalized, ad-based business model is severely threatened, because both Android and iOS have shut down 3rd party tracking and continue to do so. So facebook is kind of fucked and needs a hardware platform they control. That’s why they spend so much money on it. I’m pretty sure it’s not because Zuck is a moron living in an 80’s sci-fi world, although that’s of course the more fun story to tell.

    I’m not sure about apple’s motivation here, to be honest. Just creating something to kick facebook out would probably not be enough of a motivation to spend so much money and developing their own thing. Maybe to keep the hype and stock price up? They don’t have a lot of other interesting things to show at the moment. No “AI” crap like the others have and flashy innovation basically halted with smartphones/laptops etc.

  • @KingWizard is right, you don’t understand the fundamentals of this. You’re asking good questions, but people have been asking them decades ago and already found reasonably good answers. HTTPS works okay for what it does. Check out letsencrypt, watch some talks about it. Informing yourself about the matter will get you further than asking more random questions on lemmy.

  • That’s a good theory sir/lady, and actually was the case until around 10 years ago.

    Then Snowden happened, and we found out that the nsa is sucking all unencrypted traffic out of the net and into their databases.

    Then letsencrypt happened and now you can get your certificates for free. Don’t pay 1000$. Letsencrypt is free and you can automatically update certificates. If your hoster doesn’t offer https for free, choose a different hoster.