Virtual Insanity

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • The person that made the claim never responded. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

    However I did respond, when I could.

    So point stands, an accusation was made without evidence, and that accusation is still there, and now mine and one other post responds to that accusation… that again is without evidence.

    My issues is, when I made that last post, why was I asked for a source, but no one asked the person making the claim against DDG for a source?

    If the people asking me for a source had also asked the original claimant for a source I’d have no issue.

    The practice of asking the counter claimant for a source and not the claimant is rife, unfair, unreasonable and needs to be called out.

    If seems far too common to accept a say so when an accusation is made online.

  • Is it fair that I have to post a source when someone criticizing doesn’t?

    I’m just a passing stranger that just happens to have good knowledge about a significant misunderstanding that happened a year ago.

    I don’t walk around with ‘sources’ to all of the knowledge I’ve ever gained hanging out of my back pocket.

    This is why “source?” posts are stupid and unreasonable, double so when in response to something where a source was never provided.

    Now… that all said, I do have a moment now that I didn’t have previously to provide additional information.

    This article… …Is a starting point, and more info can be found with your own search.

    The basic gist was that it was claims DDG pass user data that could identify a user to Microsoft from searches, however this was never the case.

    I have to allegiance with DDG… they do an ok job. But I do indeed think it unfair they get continuously accused of wrongdoing, even still to this day as evidenced here.

    This is just another case of bad, negative or incorrect information getting more publicity than the facts.

  • Very rarely do I have a positive view on posts in this com, but this is a rare exception.

    No mindless, pointless, circle jerk hating, but rather a positive and legitimate wish and view toward an alternative.

    People can hate on cars so they want, but since people and places end up making cars nesecary.

    Earlier this year I needed to go Melbourne to Albury, usually a trip done in a car, but this time I had use of a car at the other end so I took the train. Was a fantastic trip. Access to a small food bar, toilets, the occasional stop at more significant towns.

    Trains kick ass.

    I’d love to see a better in town solution for transport, buses and whatever both in Albury and my home town aren’t really up to scratch yet.

  • Sounds like she’s rarely out never noticed you use it either… Which makes it interesting both because of the uncommon UI and workflow, and she has not had regular observations to learn from.

    For those of us that have operated both it’s a non issue.

    But think of how you’d go about it with zero knowledge. I bet most would try dialling the number without lifting the receiver.