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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • As others have mentionned downloading the .deb and running it will also work, but I feel nobody gave your a tldr of why you may want to follow those instructions instead, so here it is:

    Those instructions configure your package manager (apt) with a new repository for this application.

    The upside to that is that anytime you will look for updates, this app will also get updated.

    It’s a bit more work up front, but it can pay off when you have dozens of app updating as part of normal system operations.

    Imagine a world where windows updates would also update all your software, that’s what this is.

  • I believe that the existence of ad blockers do change the situation quite a lot.

    I also pay for youtube premium. Before doing so I was using an adblocker and didn’t see a single ad before subscribing.

    The reason I did so was that multiple creators I was following mentioning that a view from a premium subscriber was worth more to them financially than from a regular one.

    It’s the easiest way for me to support multiple creators at once.

    The moment my experience decreases, Youtube looses my support and I go Patreon instead. As ublock exists I don’t have to live through ads at all.

  • I was raised by my grandparents.

    My grandfather was the cook most of the time, and he was always trying new recipies he found online: in years, I don’t think I ever saw him cook the same meal twice.

    Everytime he’d taste something new, he’d enthusiastically comment “it’s different than usual!” (Rough translation from French “ça fait changment!”)

    To this day, I have no idea how good or how bad he thought any of those dishes were.