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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Xhieron@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldFinally beat cancer
    2 months ago

    Why on earth do you think I’m arguing in bad faith? What do you think my real beliefs & agenda are?

    I think your real beliefs and agenda are that you don’t want student loan forgiveness for anyone, ever, under any circumstances. Maybe you’re bitter because you didn’t go to school or maybe because you did and already paid off your debt. Maybe you have a chip on your shoulder, or maybe you’re just a troll. I don’t really care. It doesn’t matter, because the argument is reprehensible regardless of your motives:

    We should let John Doe in Alabama die because it’s too expensive to save him.

    You decided that the financial expense of saving a life is worth condemning a patient to death just like you decided that the imaginary, hypothetical political cost of a change in policy is worth consigning multiple generations to lifelong debt.

    You should be ashamed of yourself. But whether you are or not, I’m not interested in debating with you.

  • Xhieron@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldFinally beat cancer
    2 months ago

    So we should just not let the people currently sick have the cure? 🤔

    Even in your analogy, curing any cancer today, even if it doesn’t extend to future sufferers, is an improvement over curing no one. Because fuck cancer, and fuck student loans.

    Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

  • I’m incredibly fascinated by the ghost comparison. Is the probability that ghosts are a real physical phenomenon higher or lower than the probability that aliens exist or have visited us? That’s an extremely interesting question, and I’m sure someone could do a statistical meta-analysis comparing the incidence of, say, UFO sightings with the incidence of paranormal experiences (if such an analysis doesn’t already exist). Both questions seem like the things that should be generally empirically falsifiable (and indeed, specific instances certainly are), but humanity’s curiosity about both has proven remarkably durable despite centuries of curiosity and myriad efforts to settle (negatively) both questions once and for all.

  • Xhieron@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldGuilt Trip
    3 months ago

    Sure, but in this case the something worse is multiple orders of magnitude worse. Statistically, what one individual does to lessen their “carbon footprint”–a propaganda term–is insignificant.

    The problem isn’t that individuals are therefore absolved of responsibility–they’re absolutely not. It’s that they might accept the worst offenders’ direction on how they can meet that responsibility.

    That is to say, recycling your trash isn’t the answer. The answer is holding Darren Woods to account.

  • Really? I’d be very interested in seeing a peer reviewed article in Nature in which someone reputable claims to have disproven the existence of the soul (especially without making a bunch of other ontological assumptions first). Can you point me to one?

    As far as I can tell, the existence of a soul, like the existence of God, is inherently a non-scientific proposition–i.e., it is not falsifiable. But correct me if I’m wrong.