Not my meme

    1 year ago

    I like spring because I don’t feel it’s too cold or too hot and the wind breeze is a very nice spring bonus

    • As a winter enjoyer, honestly, it could be 70F every day and 55F every night, 365¼ days a year, and I’d never complain about it again. But sometimes, I think the only reason I love winter is because in Oklahoma, our seasons are:

      • Decent t-shirt weather (but throw in a 90 degree day or a total blizzard from time to time just for fun)
      • Tornado Hell
      • What if were almost as hot as Arizona, almost as humid as Florida, and that wind we’re so famous for stopped blowing?
      • Pretty colors signal the arrival Tornado Hell 2: Electric Boogaloo

      I fully believe the reason the south is so fat is because 1. There’s not just a ton of good hiking nearby unless you already live in the wilderness, and 2. The weather sucks for basically 10 months of the year and the best you can do is hide from it inside your house.