The Biden administration is appealing a federal judge’s ruling that ordered the government to halt a wide range of communications with social media companies. President Biden and the other federal defendants in the case “hereby appeal” the ruling to the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, according to a notice filed in US District Court yesterday. The US will submit a longer filing with arguments to the 5th Circuit appeals court.

On Tuesday, Judge Terry Doughty of US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana granted a preliminary injunction that prohibits White House officials and numerous federal agencies from communicating “with social-media companies for the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech posted on social-media platforms.”

Doughty found that defendants “significantly encouraged” and in some cases coerced "the social-media companies to such extent that the decision…

    1 year ago

    I’m guessing they’re worried about social media companies controlling the narrative. Deleting comments to make a politician sound better or worse, that sort of thing.

      1 year ago

      or straight up misinformation and hate speech. Calls for insurrection. that sort of thing.

      because that would never happen… right…? I mean the US is civilized and never had violence used to try and prevent the lawful and constitutional turn over of power… right…?