• 42 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • There are people who would be okay if it were Sony making the acquisition, but I want to believe that most people who are against it feel that no large company should be allowed to buy another large company.

    It’s like, does no one remember what Microsoft did in the 90s? They were literally forbidding PC manufacturers from not selling any systems that didn’t include windows.

    This deal is bad. It rewards shitty individuals and shitty companies, and hurts consumers and employees. This deal will be a calendar marker of when the gaming industry started to fall. Like when Disney bought Marvel and LucasArts.

  • I used Joplin for a while but found that it was a bit too clunky. Also, yes it does store the notes locally, but they weren’t in a plain text format. My notes were fragmented across different files.

    I switched to Obsidian after that and will never switch back. Yes, people make Obsidian complicated, but it’s honestly only as complex as you make it.

    For me, all it does is text and sync. All the files are stored locally in complete markdown format. That way I can read them in any program that can process text. My personal workspace syncs to an S3 compatible service, while work synced to Google Drive.

    I loved Joplin and felt so conflicted when I found Obsidian. But now I would recommend it over Joplin any day.

  • You make a good point about the blow to creative freedom. Exclusivity doesn’t seem to correlate with innovation anymore (sans Nintendo). Even if you look at Sony, with its massive lead in quality first-party exclusives, the majority are gritty narrative third-person action games. They are easy to market because they have a compelling story, are mechanically simple to appeal to a wider audience, and are relatively short to lower the commitment.

    Consolidation will kill creativity in the long term. Just look at the post-Disney MCU/Star Wars film industry. Games will surely follow, given the way things are headed.

    Disclaimer - Just my opinion and I play on PlayStation/Nintendo/PC.