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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Ibaudia@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldPure light being
    1 month ago

    I still wouldn’t say I hate dogs, both because none of that is the dogs fault and it’s still possible to have pleasant interactions with one

    That’s fine, but I absolutely do hate them for those reasons. I don’t want to be around them at all and I am immediately put in a bad mood when I am forced to interact with one.

  • Ibaudia@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldPure light being
    1 month ago

    I don’t hate dogs because of the specific behaviors of one dog. I hate them for a huge variety of reasons. I even made a big ass list.

    • Most are aggressive when put under certain circumstances. There are 4.7 million reported dog bites per year in the US alone. When humans or other animals behave aggressively, we see it as a bad thing. When dogs do it, we see it as everyone else’s fault except the dog’s, despite many dogs being predisposed to aggression. Many dogs who receive nothing but love their whole life are aggressive in non-threatening situations in spite of the owner’s efforts to combat these behaviors. Just as many people are delusional enough to think that this is a human-centric problem and not foundationally due to the aggression implicit in all dogs. Many owners have neither the time nor money required to fix these problem behaviors, and many dogs are either highly resistant or impossible to train. These discussions mirror excuses for abusers almost perfectly: make excuses, don’t place blame on the aggressor, don’t want the aggressor to be “in trouble”, it’s never the aggressor’s fault because the victim “pushed” the aggressor, the aggressor is normally a good person/dog, etc. We as humans are just compensating for a dumb, aggressive animal’s predisposition towards violence all while making excuses for why they are so awful.

    • Relationships with dogs are extremely shallow. They are conditioned and bred to like us, and we like them because they are cute, playful, and instinctively loyal. There is no deeper connection to dogs besides that, at least to me, and certainly for the dog. Relationship with dogs are not rewarding because they require no effort and have no meaningful connection. Any dog would love any person who is around them for a long time as long as they are receiving positive attention. This makes relationships with dogs effectively meaningless; they do not say anything about the human or the dog beside that they are around each other a lot, as compared to human-to-human relationships that show effort was put in.

    • Dogs require a lot of personal sacrifice. If you want to go anywhere for more than a few hours then they require care, which is often difficult and/or expensive to set up. Taking dogs with you on outings often leads to behavioral issues like barking and aggression, and creates extreme slowdowns to accommodate them. I also hate dogs to begin with, so it double sucks because they ruin my vibe. The outing is no longer about the environment or the people, those are secondary to ensuring the comfort and safety of an animal.

    • Having a dog in your home means you can’t focus on any particular task for more than a few hours because dogs require lots of play, attention, and need to be walked. Zoning in on my hobbies is my #1 favorite thing to do, and dogs ruin that.

    • Dogs are extremely loud and obnoxious. They bark at random times which is startling, they whine and beg for food, and they tend to be destructive towards random things around the house. Most dogs will bark at unexpected visitors. They eat anything that smells good, even if it’s poison.

  • Ibaudia@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldPure light being
    1 month ago

    He does respect me, and I have been training him. He has improved a lot in many areas. His aggression towards me has even improved substantially over the past couple months. I’ve also gotten him to stop pissing on the carpet. I just hate every second of it. Dogs are disgusting shitbeasts who emulate feelings of connectedness despite having zero self-awareness or rational thought. They are basically biological automatons with no soul. I’m convinced the only people who like dogs more than people just have unresolved trauma, and see dogs as a “safe” option compared to people. I fucking hate these animals with every fiber of my being.

    She knows I hate dogs. She got a dog because she literally will not get out of bed in the morning unless she has something to guilt her into doing so. She has medical issues and severe mental illness. I respect this because I’m a good partner, and don’t take my anger out on her or the dog. Is it fair to me or healthy? No. I think I might leave her over the dog.

    To be fair, I didn’t know I hated them this much until I had to start living with one. I thought I could handle it, even like it, and I was totally wrong. Now we’re probably out at least 10k to replace the subflooring if I can’t scrub the carpet clean, and I can’t, even with enzyme cleaners and pet urine-cleaning carpet shampoo. Every time I try to bring it up my gf will literally yell at me to stop talking about it and then walk away. She can’t handle the stress so I’m all alone.

    Edit: Before you ask, no, she doesn’t help with the carpet unless I specifically request it, despite it being her dog. Her medical issues do not impede her from helping with the carpet whatsoever.

  • Ibaudia@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRight to Flex Arms
    1 month ago

    I see no reason to normalize open carry when even just owning a firearm, on its own, increases your chance to be killed by a gun for both suicide and homicide. Firearm ownership itself should not be normalized, as a matter of public health.

    I get that it makes people feel safer, but it does not actually make them safer. If you don’t have an obvious reason to have a firearm, like defending livestock, living in a high-risk environment, or as protection against wild animals, then you are objectively safer not owning one.

  • Ibaudia@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzIt's always there
    1 month ago

    Cheese is so versatile. It’s a snack, garnish, sauce, topping, condiment, or even a dessert. It can add tons of flavor or mellow out a dish. It can be smoky, savory, spicy, creamy, or salty. It can stay good in the fridge for weeks with proper storage, unlike most other dairy items. Even the rinds are great tools to add flavor to soups and stews. Cheese is fucking based.