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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • MisterFrog@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldPure light being
    1 month ago

    I know this is a joke, but a bad dog is so much more of a problem than a bad cat. (Not counting feral animals)

    Bad cat: angry, wants you to leave them the fuck alone, scratches you at the slightest provocation

    Bad dog: hyperactive or jumps all over you or barks at you, can seriously injure or kill you.

    Our society takes for granted that you can take your dog anywhere (in Australia at least), and I don’t think enough emphasis is placed on the fact if you can’t 100% control your dog, don’t bring it anywhere near people.

    The number of people saying “oh he’s friendly” as their dog scares someone afraid of dogs because they’re jumping up on them is stupid.

    This society values dogs more, and I just don’t get it.

  • This is why I will always argue that world-building-wise, the prequels and BBY are generally more interesting, because they create a more nuanced view of the politics of the Galactic Republic.

    The actual plots of episodes 1,2&3 leave much to be desired, but to me, there’s a reason why Andor is so compelling compared to the Mandalorian, it’s the politics.

    Anyone who thinks politics don’t belong in a Star Wars movie isn’t really into fantasy, which Star Wars most certainly is.

    Nek Minit they’ll say game of thrones, lord of the rings, the expanse, Avatar the Last Airbender etc (in my opinion some of the greatest fantasy/sci-fi of all time) shouldn’t have so much politics.

    Like… that’s what fantasy is. Politics, human relationships and how people live and struggle against each other for their interests, in a fictional world with different rules/physics/history.

    The Star Wars Sequels are trash because they neither have a good plot, nor good world building.

    The Jedi were complicit in the corruption and injustice of the Galactic Republic, no doubt, and is great world-building, if you ask me.