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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I think about the Vision like I think about a new Gucci bag or a new set of Air Jordans. There’s a small, but very visible, community that is super into that product, probably for reasons not related to its actual functionality. The difference is that there’s a lot of overlap between Apple fans and broader technology enthusiast groups, where we’re more isolated from the Gucci and Jordan communities. There are lots of brand-based fan groups who will happily accept branded merch or content, but not interpret that as ‘advertising.’

    The rest of the world tolerates spyware and especially ads if they feel like the product is worth the intrusion. There’s a reason Meta doesn’t have a logo watermark foating in the corner of Quest view field. There’s a reason VR is still very niche, almost entirely limited to gaming.

    Maybe Vision’s AR experience will change that. Maybe viewing your entire life through a video camera with overlaid graphics has real-world value beyond privacy in co-working spaces. I doubt that value is $3000 and think Vision is more like Apple’s Newton than Apple’s iPhone.

  • This is exactly the kind of semi-ridiculous thing I like about home automations: the power to answer one’s most trivial curiosities.

    I’d probably add a logger, so I could follow the history of Mohkno’s food thievery, then try different techniques to discourage her. Have ha also play a recording of you saying ‘Mohkno, no!’ Some activity to distract her during the critical food-stealing window. Or go all-in and get those microchip-reading pet feeders.

  • I do wonder if not having to ‘hear’ words changes the rhythm of reading.

    Hadn’t thought of this…what’s your take on poetry, especially meter-forward? Like, Robert W Service or Robert Frost, I feel would be less interesting if they didn’t have their beat.

    I don’t do voices or accents when I read. Everything is in the same ‘voice,’ which isn’t quite the same as my spoken voice. My internal voice enunciates much better and slightly lower pitch. It’s more like the voice I wish I had than the voice I do have. :)

  • They’re not thinking about these things as games, generally, but specifically how they’ll be perceived by the Xbox audience. It looks to me like they discounted BG3, at least in part, because it couldn’t split-screen on series S. They’re thinking about games you play on the couch, in a group, maybe during a party - not games you play solo for hours or days on end.

    That may end up being a self-fulfilling prophecy. BG3 isn’t out on Xbox (officially) yet. We don’t know what their advertising will look like, and it well turn out that everyone who wants to play it will already have gone the PC route.